Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Memories Of Halloweens Past

Was talking to long-time blog reader Mr. Macabre and he suggested a neat project of sorts for this old Halloween blog.  An open call to anyone who wants to partake.  An invitation to submit a photo and maybe a blurb about your favorite Halloween possession.  You know the one - that special item you've had for years and years.  The one that reminds you of all the things you love about our High Holiday.  That particular decoration or object you couldn't do without.  

The first submission is by Mr. Macabre himself.  This special piece was made by his daughter when she was in kindergarten - 30 years ago.  A jack o'lantern made from a brown paper lunch bag, with a perfect little face.

I can see why such a thing would be cherished and on display for decades.  It's perfectly nostalgic, and if I found something similar in a roadside antique shop, I would certainly buy it, wondering all about its backstory.

Thanks, Mr. Macabre!
I'm so glad you shared this Halloween memory with me.

For anyone interested in submitting, you can email me at pumpkinrot @ gmail . com (remove the spaces, of course!)


Scarecrow Atelier said...

I really like the idea.

And it's really fascinating how I almost immediately thought of an object that was always there in every haunt.

In the background or half hidden. And yet always present and very important to me.
I'll take some snapshots soon and send them to you.

This idea is wonderful, really.

Rot said...

Cannot WAIT!!

MR. Macabre said...

I actually have 2 or 3 more things given to me by our son and daughter when they were little, a really long time ago. I'll submit them after we get to see some other's favorite Halloween decorations/memories.
I'm really glad you liked the idea, thanks.

Revenant Manor said...

This is a wonderful idea, and I hope that there are many submissions!

Maybe there will ultimately be enough to provide for an entire gallery of Halloween treasures and their respective stories.

I've certainly got a couple of notions and will have to give some consideration to which might be The One.

MrNightmare said...

This is excellent and look forward to seeing what all is submitted! I will have 2 for you: First is a story about a witch mask, second is a wild and weird story about how my interest in Halloween elevated following my first experience at a haunted house.

Rot said...

Looking very forward to that, gents!

Lady M said...

Dang that's cute.

Jenna said...

So excited to see what everyone sends in, and of course, looking forward to sharing one of mine :) Great idea, Mr. Macabre!

Mike C(JASONV123) said...

Excellent idea!! And a great 1st entry!!

Sara said...

I’ll dig one out. I didn’t read the whole post 😂 but when I do
I’m sure I’ll see when to submit it by.

Rot said...

Haha nice.
Thanks for skimming.

Sara said...

Hahah totally skimmed .

MR. Macabre said...

When will submissions from other's here be available to look at? Just wondering.

Rot said...

Soon! Working on one now!
Going to space them out a bit.

MR. Macabre said...

Very cool.