Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Zacherley's Vulture Stew

Firft, get a head. Fimmer thoroughly in broth for three dayf, to which muft be added juice of deadly mufhroom (ufe feveral), a handful of mandrake rootf dug at full moon, alfo deadly nightfhade a goodlie quantity, three toadf and a black widow fpider. Now add your vulturef (at leaft two they are meagre birdf though ftrong in flavor). Be careful that they are firmly tied or they will flop out of the pot and caufe a great commotion. Three hourf before midnight of the fifth day, remove the vulturef from the broth, ftuff well with henbane and fet afide. Now fift the brew of featherf (fifting if eafier than plucking and befidef fome monfterf are ticklifh) and combine brew and ftuffed birdf for another three hourf. On the ftroke of midnight, ferve your fupper with a garnifh of fried locuftf, followed by blood pudding for deffert.


MR. Macabre said...

I have several old collections of Halloween/horror short stories, but I've never seen this one before.

Rot said...

Nor I!
Jenna ordered it and it came today in the mail.

Jenna said...

Can't wait to read through this by the fire on an autumn night.

Haunted Eve said...

Really nice cover artwork!