Saturday, August 10, 2024

Basket Case

You haven't truly SEEN Basket Case until you've seen it in a dark theater with a bunch of horror fans.  Truthfully, I never thought I would watch this one again.  It was one of the first horror films I rented as a kid.  Some friends and I went into the video store looking for a truly scary and blood-soaked nightmare-inducing film.  What we got was something so odd and campy, but shot surprisingly well (I didn't realize that fact at the time).  But the concept stuck with me for decades.

We had so much fun laughing and groaning at this one last night.  The applause at the end of the film lasted a long while.  As it should have.  A newfound appreciation for sure.  

Turns out this film was chosen by the Museum of Modern Art to be restored and preserved.  The director's comment regarding this fact is pretty great:
Hey, Basket Case fans. I’m both humbled and proud to announce that Basket Case is now part of the permanent film collection of the Museum of Modern Art. (And, yes, I asked them if they actually watched the film and they assured me they did.) It’s quite an honor and one that I’m still trying to wrap my head around.

Click below for a trailer...


Revenant Manor said...

Wow, now that's a blast from the past! How long has it been since I've even thought of this movie, let alone seen it?

Decades, for sure, but I bet it would be the perfect thing to see in that type of setting.

Speaking of being entirely too old, (and as much as I absolutely love the modern convenience of streaming whatever I want whenever I've got the notion) there was definitely something special about wandering around the off-brand video rental places and picking up glorious schlock for a Friday or Saturday night viewing / clowning session.

Rot said...

We had a video store called Four Star a strip mall near my parents' home. LOVED going in there trying to find something wonderful based on the box art and the tiny blurb on the back. And it definitely was a weekend ritual, and would often times be paired with pizza. Terrific to think about.

Lady M said...

I bet there were groans - but those are some of the funnest ones to watch - so bad they are good!