Monday, August 5, 2024

Memories Of Halloweens Past

The next nostalgic entry for cherished memories and special Halloween possessions comes from Revenant Manor.  In his own words...

"Allow me to present Jack.  While he is certainly not our oldest Halloween item, and while at first glance he seems kind of silly and plastic, he has creeped his way into our Halloween season in a way that other treasures simply haven't (and really can't).
You see, Jack is a hand puppet; a sinister 10" little guy with articulated stretching arms that can act as a bit of an avatar for someone so inclined. 

He arrived on the scene ~20 years ago at the perfect time to help introduce two young daughters to Halloween. Offering the perfect mix of slightly scary and mostly silly when being chased around a house; he's been a part of the Halloween backdrop their entire lives.  

Over the years, he has spent spooky season leering in from darkened doorways, unexpectedly poking his head around corners, tapping the shoulders of unsuspecting people, appearing from nowhere at just the right moment during a spooky movie scene, greeting visitors at the front door, and generally causing the household pets to wonder what exactly is wrong with their humans. 

The kids (both the two and four-footed kind) have all known Jack since their earliest days, and have enjoyed his's really just not Halloween season until he arrives on the scene."

What an amazing design.  Seeing something like this makes me wonder why we don't see anything similar out there these days, as something like this would sell out every season for sure.  It's Sinister.  It's beautiful.

Thank you, RM, for sharing this incredible piece from your collection!  I love imagining its antics each Halloween season.  

And for anyone wanting to see this guy in action, click the link below!

For anyone interested in submitting, you can email me at pumpkinrot @ gmail . com (remove the spaces, of course!)


MR. Macabre said...

That is very cool, from the first photo you'd think he was life sized, but he's not. The fact that he's just the right size to display around the house and use for an occasional jump scare is awesome, I'd love to have something similar.
We could use a few more "less happy" Halloween items in the stores every year.
Just saying.

Scarecrow Atelier said...

I really like the tradition surrounding the Jack doll.

Knowing that the most wonderful time of the year begins with his appearance.

A special piece of Halloween history that is probably not available on every corner.

Raven176 said...

A decoration that will be passed down the generational line!
Love it. They're like seeing old friends again.

Jenna said...

What a great tradition, and an even better piece of writing. I can absolutely picture the family antics with this guy - it is what the season is all about. And to top it off, a coveted appearance from the Princess <3. Thanks for sharing these lovely memories!

Revenant Manor said...

Thanks for giving Jack some time with this community, they're definitely his kind of people, and I'm sure he'll be pleased.

He will be particularly tickled that one of his epic battles with his very favorite fuzzy person is now permanently memorialized in Halloween internet history.

For what it's worth, I agree...I think he's got a great design, and some more of his particular brand of sinister silliness would be wonderful to have around.

K.O. said...

Jack is extremely awesome!! Love this whole series.

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

That is my kind of "Elf on the Shelf"! Fantastic picture of Scout's reaction to Jack. Totally captures her vibe. RIP, sweet, sassy girl.

Revenant Manor said...

Is there a new comment feature / structure from our Blogger friends?

Can I ACTUALLY reply directly to Jenna and say thank you for such kind words, and for the Princess appreciation?!

I sure hope so, and am going to hope this works!

Jenna said...

The reply feature worked! However, its failing is that I cannot reply to your reply, haha.

You are so welcome! Please don't tell Jem, but I am especially partial to Tabby cats :)