Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The attic in this house came with a big lock on the attic door which is located in the ceiling of the main bedroom. Last night I removed the hardware so I could sand, fill the holes, and repaint. It was an old nasty thing.

And I'm sure that's where my ghost story begins.

Image by


bean said...

We'll be on "The Haunted" in no time.

RebelShade said...

I inspect homes for a living I have never seen a lock on an attic before.... That's so awesome!!

Sharon Day said...

Come on, how could you leave that empty? It begs to be Mr. Halloween's workshop! I'd use it as a place to write my horror fiction. Man, I love attics!

Pam Morris said...

oh boy, I think there are gonna' be some good tales coming up.... :)

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Good start....let us know when the walls start bleeding :D

Congrats on your new digs!


Bob said...

You should incorporate that lock into a new scarecrow. I'm thinking similar to the locks and chains of Old Marley's Ghost from Christmas Carol. If your attic is as spooky as the image you posted, we need to see pictures!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the haunted stories will follow.....

Steve Ring said...

Woah... What does the crawl-space look like?

Rot said...

The attic is pretty normal-looking. Similar to the photo but smaller and darker. Our inspector was confused by it too. He joked about the previous owners keeping someone up there.

NoahFentz said...

Yeah...we had something like that when we first moved in...

I noticed poorly spackled 2 x 2 area on the wall upstairs. I decided to investigate and see what was behind the wall. It was half of the upstairs that could have been used as attic space. I put in a door 2 years later...

Mantan Calaveras said...

There is a suspicious 8ft by 6ft mound in our backyard. It's right beside this old ramshackle shed we're all afraid to venture into. The neighbors tell us that the previous tenants kept arsenic and other poisons in it.

The inside of the house has it's mysteries too. There is a lock on the outside of the bathroom door.

Goneferalinidaho said...

Dessicated hobo, I'm sure of it.