Sunday, June 12, 2011

Honorable Mention No More

I won't be entering that annual scarecrow competition this year. With the recent move, my Swamp Foetus build, and a need to make shop creatures, I'm going to be pressed for time unlike other years.

Now that's not to say that I won't be building a scarecrow to display during October. I just won't be entering one in the contest.

Goodbye, pale blue ribbon.

Image by propane tank.


Anonymous said...

They didn't give you enough credit anyways....

Already can't wait to see what you have in store for this year.

Brian said...

Now watch someone else enter something in your style.....and win 1st place! Brian of Willow Cove

Rot said...

That'd be just my luck.

ShellHawk said...

You should buy one from Home Depot and enter it as-is. It'll probably win first prize. :op to them.

Anonymous said...

Nah, no way in Hades would anyone with yr. style ever get the Big Prize there. That place will never appreciate the really good stuff, no matter how much everyone else in the real-life hauntverse does!

NoahFentz said...

Now we have you ALL to ourselves....


Sara said...

damn straight.

Marrow said...

I'll be missing a good old honorable mention.

Marrow said...

Oh. That was the title. I truly thought I was being funny and smart.

Anonymous said...

Dude you are seriously messing with my Halloween traditions. I go every year to Peddlers Village just to see your scarecrow. My wife and I make the hour and a half drive listening to Lustmord and talking about what we will do with our yard for upcoming Halloween. What a drag. You will just have to make up for it next year! Cant wait to see what you are making for the store. Hopefully a witch!

Goneferalinidaho said...

I plan to enter my first in this year's competition.

Bob said...

Ahh! Always look forward to your scarecrows at PV. We'll miss you there this year.

Jon said...

Bummer. I was going to enter my "Three Blind Mice with Justin Bieber Shirts Piloting a Hot Air Balloon Shaped Like an Ice Cream Cone" scarecrow this year just to bust your balls.

Rot said...


Adam said...

rofl!!! The comments above, so funnnnnny. Yea, they didnt appreciate your awesome scarecrows anyway... the jerks!

screaminscott said...

Not sure they appreciated your contribution anyway!

Shani said...

Oh no!!! My husband and I look forward to finding your scarecrow every year :( I agree though, you never got the credit deserved in my opinion. Are you still setting up a yard haunt?

Rot said...


Shani said...

You should set up a Haunt for your fans to walk through. Because clearly you don't have enough to do ;-) Would be cool though. Looking forward to seeing pics!

VenomStorm said...

I know this is really old, but I looked at the PV website this year and noticed they now have "scary" category. Any clue how many years after you stopped entering the contest before they created this category?

Rot said... idea.
I was surprised to see that category. I was ahead of my time ; )
I'll have to take a look and see what folks built.