Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dark Gardens

Planted a lot of sweet potato vines around the garden - tiny purple/black ground-cover plants with weird pointy leaves.

A good question to ask yourself (not the store owner) when you're shopping for plants: "What would a witch have in her garden?"


Terrormaster said...

Ooooo these are awesome. I'm looking at planting some stuff at the base of the tree in the front yard and these are awesome suggestions.

Sharon Day said...

I'm so envious. I planted my veggies and herbs on my patio and the prarie dogs from the desert preserve around me came and ate them all. I need to do hanging pots. I miss the garden. I would put a laybrinth in my garden if I had one and perhaps a maze made from some quick growing bushes so it's like having a corn maze year round with a creepy scarecrow in the center.

ShellHawk said...

Foxglove, a.k.a. digitalis. Always a staple!

Autumnleaf said...

I love the dark foliage in contrast to those deep red tones! But still, there would be pumpkins.....Lots of pumpkins.

Autumnleaf said...

Holy Smokes that Black Mondo Grass on their site is unreal!!

Steve Ring said...

Lots and lots of Demon Weed! >:)~

Anonymous said...

Now I want my own garden.....

Terrormaster said...

@Autumnforest: I've been really hankering to plant pumpkins but we have too many squirrels and chipmunks who like to snack on em. If I knew of a way to keep the buggers out I'd plant some (although I think it's borderline to late to plant pumpkins this year).

Goneferalinidaho said...

You two are planting a garden? Welcome to the dark side A.K.A. something fun to do outside while not building props. I love how my neighbors always tell me I have the brightest home on the corner in the summer and the coolest one come October. Enjoy!

Old Fashion Halloween said...

I was thinking the same thing about the mondo grass. Can't get it to grow that well in the PNW.

Marrow said...

Wow! Such cool witchy plants. You're garden shall be blessed with great spookiness.

Minakitty said...

There are only two seasons in our household-garden and Halloween! I wish sweet potato vines were perennial, but at least they're not expensive. Black petunias are new to the market this year. Also, black bat flowers look amazing, but unfortunately are hardly only in zone 10-11 (we're 5-6). Enjoy!

Kristen J Thomas said...

i've also been trying to create a witch's garden in my own tiny cottage garden in the city, and i have found this site to be completely invaluable, not only for seeds/plants and information, but also as inspiration!

check it out! i promise you won't be disappointed!

Rot said...

Will do : )

Minakitty said...

Ugh, make that "hardy"...

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

I love my garden, only slightly less than Halloween :)

Definitely check out the book Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart :)


Countess VonRauber (Heidi) said...

I love dark gardens :) I have quite a few dark plants myself. You really need a Black Pearl Pepper plant =) They are stunning!