Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Garage Overload


Tracy said...

Just imagine someone breaking into your garage in te middle of the night and shining his flashlight on this macabre collection! Lol!

Dave Lowe said...

Forget the yard...just let Trick or Treaters walk through the garage this year.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

:) Stunning.

Congrats on the new house! Happy Haunting.


Rot said...


It's nice seeing them up high and not piled up in a basement.

NoahFentz said...

Oh you are having way too much fun!!

Is that a digital camera you are using? How were you able to take a picture of the old suirrel cage filament bulb. I have these in my basement but I can't get a clear enough picture to show the filament.

Nice garage!!

Sara said...

Yup. Not a place I'd like to hang out at night alone, lol.

Marrow said...

Whoa. Love it.

Is that a new swamp light type thing? It's cool to see you've kept all the props I expected you to.

Akrid, Shy Zombie, The Skull Witch, Johnny Appleseed (Of course).

I'm still mourning the loss of Jenny Greenteeth.

Rot said...

The swamp lights weren't photographed so I'm not sure what you're seeing there.

I shamefully paid $8.00 for that vintage repro bulb. : )
An old sony digital camera. I took a bunch of shots until I could actually see the filaments. Just kept experimenting with distance until I got it. The rest are just bright blobs.

The October boy said...

Looks awesome Rot! But beware..garages can get to be very hot in the middle of summer. I lost a bunch of my props in the attic of our garage one year. But I'm sure yours are of a better quality than mine, and your not all the way up top either. (I would love to pull my car into that garage at night)

Rot said...

Happy to report that my glue mache method isn't harmed by extreme cold or extreme heat. My witches have been stored in my parents' attic for years and years. The Pumpkinrot scarecrow from 2003 is still up there. It exceeds a hundred degrees in the summer...no effect at all.

Sharon Day said...

That's what garages are for!

Jason-v said...


NoahFentz said...

Okay that's what I pretty much have...a bunch of bright blobs. I'll keep on trying then.

I get a discount on those bulbs so I have a couple different styles. It just goes so well with the haunt. I did get my hands on those gaslike flicker bulbs. Those are a pretty penny...

Marrow said...

Oh. It's a lightbulb. I thought it was some sort of old lamppost that you were using in the haunt this year. Mistook the string for a pole.

It looks awesome and spooky!

Amy said...

Rot where did you get the bulbs? I got mine from Ballard Designs and they were $11 a piece...love them though.

Rot said...

At Lowes. Was shocked to see them there. Just that one variety though.

NoahFentz said...

The company that produces them is called FerroWatt and distributed by Aamsco.

There are many types of filament shapes depending on the year it was created. There are two kinds of filaments. Regular tungsten which is in the everyday bulb now and carbon filament the original design by Edison. It gives off a more amber glow and only comes in triple loop...

Love these bulbs...

Countess VonRauber (Heidi) said...

You should charge admission to your garage. :)I'd pay to see it!

Hopsy the beer drinking clown said...

Nice lens flare on the 4th one down, was that intentional or just a fortuitous capture? I can rarely catch the lens flare when I want to

Rot said...

Intentional : )

My digital camera produces them when it's first pointed into sunlight. So I have to make sure I snap the picture really quickly before the lens adjusts.

K.O. said...

THANK YOU for putting up more of these! I want to live in your garage now.
These are insanely great shots! I like the angles, lighting, and colors you have going on here. The props look very happy in the new space.

Anonymous said...

you are a ''rot star''!