Monday, October 10, 2011


Decorated the house this weekend. Went for the "vintage party" look.  


Ben said...

Simply beautiful.

James Colton said...

That fireplace mantel is gorgeous.

MorbidMariah said...

Nice! We're doing a 1920's inspired vintagey Halloween this year. Almost done...

Rot said...


Sounds cool.

Colleen said...

great decorations! I love the lighted stick display for the mantel. I started something similar a couple days ago on top of my kitchen cabinets. :)

wicKED said...

Good job. Looks amazing!

Marrow said...

Beautiful stuff right there.
I LOVE it.

Johnny Love said...

Looks fantastic! Love the color tone and vintage inspired look.

Josh said...

Love it a lot.

Anonymous said...


Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

I LOVE this! I may have to borrow some these ideas for next year's party. Too late for this year.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Love the second picture...

Sara said...

Fantastic. The vintage Halloween party-lover in me approves! :)

Also, side-note. Went to October Shadows. Was slightly underwhelmed. I took some pics if you'd like 'em. It was tinier than expected, and....had some strange guys working the table where you would purchase artwork. Plus, out of all the publicized artists on the ad, only a handful of them actually submitted art it seemed.

I got the feeling this was a satellite campus for the real deal, lol. Which, maybe isn't too far off considering last year it was held in hollywood or Burbank or something? Anywho, the artwork that *was* featured was great. Lots of latex and risen models and masks.

pensive pumpkin said...

these photos feel fantastic. love the glass bead garland.

Rot said...

Thanks, everyone.
Glad you dig.

Would love to see the photos.

J.P. said...

I surprised to learn that you decorate for Halloween. I would have surmised that "decorating" in the Rot household merely consists of lighting all of the candles. :)

K.O. said...

1. OMG your new house looks so incredibly beautiful!
2. I love your fireplace (the molding is awesome)!
3. I bought those same Halloween Chinese lanterns (at Party City)!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Im glad to see you enjoying the new house. So are we going to see a new yard this year or are you going to continue doing your haunt at the other house? Cant wait for this years display, hope to see the sisters! They are my favorite

Real Girl Friday said...

I HAVE to get some of those lanterns and the orange twinkle lights seem so festive and warm. It's very gloomy here in the Pacific NW already and those look like a good cure.

Heather said...

What??? Your house isn't decorated year round???? I'm disappointed. lol
Looks great!

Johnny said...


3rik said...

Very awesome and great vibe.

Vintage Seance said...

I love it! Beautiful and adorable! Yet still spooky of course!!!

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Looks very comfy.....I would leave it like that all year :)
