Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Rain Man

Two possibilities:
1. They're telling the truth.
2. They're lying.

Click below for perhaps the creepiest thing I have ever heard about...


Aron said...

It was an ok story. Could have used more Dustin Hoffman.

Jon said...

Freaked me the f*#k out, man...

Rot said...

Listening to a police officer tell that tale was enough for me.

Sara said...

I only could listen to the first video. So I'm confused, is the whole premise of the show to leave it hanging with those two possibilities or is it ever resolved?

Those people sure as hell looked like they were telling the truth.

..Besides, what would they gain by lying except a show on Scify? lol.

Good stuff.

Pam Morris said...

yeah, some of the people seemed a tad dodgy but the policeman, especially the last one, seemed very 'normal' which definitely makes this story exceptionally creepy--and why rain? the rain was really intriguing.

Rot said...

Part 2:

Part 3:

Sara, nah, that was just me. I wrote that because it's one or the other..and I think I'm leaning towards, if not totally accepting, that they were telling the truth.

Pam, I remember reading that possessions often start with a dripping sound. In fact, I think the story which the Exorcist film was based on started with a dripping sound behind the walls.

Just awful.

pensive pumpkin said...

I really enjoyed this, and watched all three. But I must ask: even 27 years ago, wouldn't the ACLU or something of their ilk have been all over the exorcism of an inmate? I mean, I know all about the Tuskegee experiments and everything so I am not entirely naive. But I question this portion of the story none the less.

Despite that, I did enjoy the videos and might actually watch the show now.

Goneferalinidaho said...

Damn, now I have to watch the rest. Really though, if anyone was going to see a ghost, wouldn't it be me?

Goneferalinidaho said...

Um, no cop would be able to be on a TV show if it was a real case or sanctioned by their department. I call B.S. This is a cable or satellite station trying to make money. I'm sure all the people were paid. These are actors.

K.O. said...

There's no way they were ALL lying. I mean, right?
I am completely creeped out.
Why oh why did I watch that before bedtime? :O

Rot said...

It seemed the cop kinda left them no police report was even filed.

Though I wouldn't call bullshit so fast, the ID channel wouldn't exist if cops couldn't talk about events/cases they've been a part of.

Rot said...

Found a lot of stuff on the internet regarding this story. It seems it's been featured on Unsolved Mysteries years ago.

And here's an article about it from 2010:

And here's a neat little bit from 2006, just some folks on a board talking about it:;wap2

Crazy...very VERY strange.

Rot said...

Another article here, this one shows The Rain Man in his younger days from the Unsolved Mysteries The Rain Boy : )

Shani said...

Not sure how I feel about this one. Reading the one article you posted...their story is quite different from what they were saying last night...just in regards to events that took place. Them going across the street to grab a bite to eat and it raining in the diner, being burned by a crucifix at said diner.

I don't know...when people start talking about that kind of stuff..I just can't see it happening. And if my memory serves me correctly, this all took place during a time when possessions and what not were "popular" so to speak.

Good story...I don't think it really happened...but if it did O_o

Sara said...

I find it interesting that nobody called a priest. Like a cop could stop floating rain any better? LOL, I dunno. Maybe because I am Catholic, that'd be my first response, but even if I wasn't, I don't think I would call a cop.

Watched the whole thing, but I feel like it wasn't a bodily possession as much as an evil spirit doing the work alone. I don't think the main guy had anything to do it with it. He was being affected, just like the others in the episode, but wasn't causing it. It's sad that he felt like it was him....or at least that's the feeling I got.

No joke, creepiest book ever: An Exorcist Tells His Story by Father Gabriel Amorth (head exorcist to the Vatican).

The Gill-Man said...

I just watched the Paranormal Witness episode, and I was mostly skeptical...until it got to the cop's testimony. He just seemed so earnest...and I couldn't think of a good motive for him to lie. It may be nothing but BS, but it sure did seem authentic. Still, a GREAT ghost story!