Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Making Friends

A new short by Michael Dougherty, for Fearnet.

Click below:


Colleen said...

This was adorable. Cutest frankstein creation ever.

Rot said...

Couldn't agree more.
I love Dougherty's version of Halloween.

Anonymous said...

That was so cool. I love watching Dougherty's short videos.....

Frankenrock said...

Man I hope he gets to make a sequel.. great vid and music

Goneferalinidaho said...


Marrow said...


That was totally me.

Pam Morris said...

fantastic--perfect music to go along with the vid!

Anonymous said...

I really, really enjoy these shorts... Now where's the legit, full-length TrT sequel????? At this point, I'd settle for a rumor of a sequel!

Anonymous said...

I loved it but I had to stop eating my breakfast while I watched it.

Unknown said...

Love it!! Just watched Trick R Treat the other night....

pensive pumpkin said...

This is so cute. I love that the things coming out of his brain are everyone's idealized versions of Halloween, and yet they are not cliched in any way.

So great.