Friday, August 30, 2024

The Order Of The Halloween Tree

A photo series tribute to Ray Bradbury's classic tale.

Chapter 4:  The Devil Boy

"But, let me introduce myself! Moundshroud is the name.  Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud. Does that have a ring, boys? Does it sound for you?”
It sounds, the boys thought, oh, oh, it sounds … !


“A fine name,” said Mr. Moundshroud, giving it a full sepulchral night-church sound. “And a fine night. And all the deep dark wild long history of Halloween waiting to swallow us whole!”

“Swallow us?”

“Yes!” cried Moundshroud. “Lads, look at yourselves. Why are you, boy, wearing that Skull face? And you, boy, carrying a scythe, and you, lad, made up like a Witch? And you, you, you!” He thrust his bony finger at each mask. “You don’t know, do you? You just put on those faces and old mothball clothes and jump out, but you don’t really know, do you?”

“Well,” said Tom, a mouse behind his skull-white muslin. “Er—no.”

“Yeah,” said the Devil boy. “Come to think of it, Why am I wearing this?” He fingered his cloak and sharp rubber horns and lovely pitchfork.


Haunted Eve said...

Another fantastic "Essence of Halloween" photo!

Revenant Manor said...

Despite knowing that I have several more weeks of summer-like weather to face before any real chance at respite, this series still manages to feel like we're already on a "leaf-tossed, kite-flying, gliding, broomstick-riding trip to learn the secret of All Hallows’ Eve"

What a great lead-in to the long (prop building) holiday weekend that (finally) represents the off-ramp to fall.

Rot said...

Thanks so much, guys! We REALLY appreciate it!

MR. Macabre said...

An awesome photo as usual. Where was this photo taken by the way?

Rot said...

Get this… we found a church called All Hallows. A local place in a neat town.

MR. Macabre said...

Sounds like my kind of gathering place.