Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Don Post Mask Reissues?

Been waiting for some news on this topic for quite some time.

Click below for an update at the always-awesome Blood-Curdling Blog of Monster Masks:

Katzper's Haunt: 2011 Video

I had way too much fun watching this.

Click below:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Halloween Snow

Some more photos from Haunted Overload's snowy 2011 season.

Blob Lights

Neat project that would make for some great accents between jackos or under some bushes.

At the Family Chic blog.

Now Playing: Take Shelter

By David Wingo.

Click below for a track:

Take Shelter

Watched Take Shelter this weekend. An incredible film.

Click below for the trailer:

Also bought the wonderful soundtrack (heard in the trailer).


Image by Becky C123.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Now Playing: Cancer

Wonderful dark ambient album by Descent Into The Void.

Click below for the album:


Image source.

Friday, February 24, 2012

King's Krypt

More images here.

Year-Long Jacko

After Halloween, we tossed our jackos into a far corner in the back yard. A month ago, I looked back there and saw that tall guy on the right smiling up from all that orange/brown ruin. He was dried out and looking pretty awesome. We brought him in, cleaned him up, and now he's an all-season decoration in the living room.

Lost Souls Cemetery

Image source.

Begging For Candy

Monday, February 20, 2012

Now Playing: Lost In The Humming Air

Samples from an upcoming Harold Budd tribute album:

With "Lost In The Humming Air - Music inspired by Harold Budd" oktaf records announces an amazing collection of thirteen exclusive tracks made by a selection of some of todays best known ambient music producers giving their tribute to the outstanding piano legend Harold Budd.

The playlists features names as: Deaf Center, Loscil, Martin Fuhs, Biosphere, Xela, Marsen Jules, Andrew Thomas, Mokira, Christopher Willits, Taylor Deupree, Rafael Anton Irisarri, Porn Sword Tobacco and bvdub feat. Criss Van Wey.

Click below for a combined-artist sample track (super excited about Loscil being on there):

Halloween III TV Spot

Never saw this version.

Click below: