Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Mysteries

A book by Bill Watterson and John Kascht.

Really grateful to Revenant Manor for recommending this one to me.  I was completely unaware it existed.  As a fan of Watterson for decades, I can't explain the joy knowing he was making art again.  Anyone who was a fan of his comic Calvin & Hobbes probably knows what I'm talking about.  Waking up and reading that daily strip was pretty much magic every day.  He created this small world that was as real as anything else on this planet.  And his artwork and humor were second to none.

I highly recommend this "fable for grown-ups."

In addition to recommending this book, Revenant Manor also sent the below link.  It's pure gold for people obsessed with the reclusiveness of Watterson, as it's an interview with both artists about their creative process.  

Huge thanks, RM!


Ashy Slashy said...

What a gem! I feel like I was listening to a grown up Calvin. I Have all of the Calvin and Hobbs books and have wondered if I would ever see anything from him in the future. Will definitely be getting this book! Thank you for sharing this!

Rot said...

I felt the same way

MR. Macabre said...

I love Calvin and Hobbs, along with our 2 older granddaughters. Between us, we have all of his books. My personal favorite ones were Calvin's "snow goons", those were funnier than hell.
I'd always wondered what happened to him, burned out by too much success all at once I guess, like the Far Side's Gary Larson.
I'll have to get this book as well.

Revenant Manor said...

"There, shrouded in mists, lived the Mysteries"

Just one of the times I got goosebumps.

Such stripped-down and basic sentence structure, but so much to be extracted from them by a willing reader's imagination.

It must have been so tempting to try to expound and explain, to say more, but they resisted.

Thanks for spreading the word...I hope it helps this darkly weird and strangely beautiful thing find its way into just the right sorts of hands (and heads).

Willow Cove said...

Love those character heads! It must have been SO tough for them as artists to collaborate.

Rot said...

It sounded really rough!