Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wynter Pie Pumpkin
You have to love an artist that has the following categories of artwork on her site:
Portraits, Animals, Nudes, Architectural, and Halloween.
The exquisite art of Laurie Meseroll.
Ghoultide Gathering
The Ghoultide Gathering of Halloween artists.
Located in Northville, Michigan.
Waiting for Autumn
The art of Ashley Goldberg.
I love this entry:
"I have imagined over and over again what my dream house would look like, the way some girls obsess over their wedding or their future children:
On top of a cliff overlooking the ocean and a rocky shore. An old house with maybe two fireplaces. Nooks and small small rooms… maybe even to the point of seeming choppy, except a large bedroom and living room would be nice.
Or deep in the woods by a creek.
Or a stone-and-brick house in a city that looks like a good trick-or-treating neighborhood (you know the ones)."
Ivy Hall Is Haunted
A great new website design from an old favorite - the classiest Halloween act around.
I truly cannot wait to see her 2008 display.
Click on "Filoscope" to watch her fabulous 2007 haunt video.
Classy classy.
Here's a teaser screen cap.
And funny...
Rest in peace, Dough Boy.
Image source.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Masks of Mister Reusch
In addition to his beautiful Halloween-laden paintings, Mister Reusch happens to make some amazing masks. The most unique I've ever seen. His materials: "Yardsticks, Galvanized Wire, Masking Tape, Acrylic and Fluorescent Paint, Bike Lights, Black Fabric." Wonderful.
World's Coolest Halloween Invite
I'd love to get an invitation like this. Mind you, I probably wouldn't go, but it's the thought that counts.
Great design by Phil Regan.
Mark Your Calendars
Pumpkin Spice Coffee will be available 8/25/08 at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. My personal favorite.
(Feel free to recommend other brands - I'm WAY open to having multiple varieties of pumpkin spice coffee.)
Would Go Nice With Coffee
Wish I were chomping on this right about now.
Image source.
The art of James Jean.
Richmond, VA Haunt
A beautiful yard haunt in Virginia (love the green and orange atmosphere).
Photo set here.
Giant Pumpkin
I fear I'd grab one of those giant pumpkin seeds and make a run for it.
Image source.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Fence Pumpkins
Some beautiful hi-res photos of rotting pumpkins. FanTASTIC.
Image source.
DIY Ghost
Pretty neat ghost effect using only chicken wire. I reckon building a bunch of these and placing them in a wooded area that gets some foot traffic might be a lot of fun.
Panoramic Halloween
Great photo of a really cool yard haunt. Love the wooden fencing and the guy up on the roof. I always admire haunters that go through that sort of trouble to make Halloween memorable. A roof prop is in a class of its own.
Image source.
Things I'm obsessed with: pumpkins, scarecrows, witches, and cauldrons.
Flickr source.
Field of Scarecrows: Part XX
Found some beautiful pieces of scarecrow art on - pages and pages of scarecrows.
Image source and more great pics.

Photo source.