Thursday, September 8, 2016

Roger's Gardens Halloween 2016

Click below for a ton of images and a video...


Autumnleaf said...

Doh! I never made it to the opening. Still have to go .....they might have everything marked 50% off near xmas which is when I went last year. That Dali-looking grandfather clock is remarkable. Some cool ideas in here for indoor decorating!!

Sara said...

I saw that yesterday. They do such a great job. I couldn't make opening weekend but the family and I are going this month. That wolf tucked into Grandmama's bed is awesome.

Lady M said...

Such an amazing display! What an inspiration.

LabyrinthCreations said...

Always enjoy seeing what these guys come up with every year--an inspiring set-up!

Anonymous said...

Dang, why aren't there cool places like this near me???

girl6 said...

so much Gorgeous!!!
i wanna shop here with mrs. havisham..<333!!!

Juli Riedel said...

My friend Sylvr Sharpe is the assistant to the creative designer at Roger's Gardens! Though they sell Halloween product, their visual sets are amazing and what themes that they come up with every year!
Another cool store is City Flowers in Bellevue WA.