Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Oh No, They're Forming

Click below for a really dark scene from Star Trek: The Motion Picture.


Tjalgahorn said...

That scream will always haunt me. This scene is great example of how showing just a little bit is a whole lot scarier than showing everything.

Justin D said...

Oh man, I haven't thought about that in years. I was a kid when I went to see that movie and I remember being freaked out by that scene. I think I may even have had nightmares about it.

Now as and adult I can really appreciate how powerful it is. There's something so simple and awful about it that it really works and the dialogue is absolutely perfect. That scream isn't your typical horror-movie scream, it's much worse. "What we got back didn't live long... fortunately" just leaves SO much to the imagination. It's crazy scary for a Star Trek scene, but definitely left an impression on me!

Rot said...

That scene really is perfect storytelling. It showed how risky it all was, and it made you realize that some fun scifi gadget was very dangerous.

When it's not creating two captain Kirks or beaming in a crew from a parallel universe, it might turn you into the baboon from THE FLY.

Willow Cove said...

I forgot about this scene! I'd hate to be spliced with a tribble.

Rot said...


Lady M said...

This reminds me of a Ray Bradbury short story. I can't remember the name but the boy keeps his eyes open while the family transports across space and he emerges as a creepy old man that claws his eyes out.

Rot said...

Wow! I don’t remember that one!