Thursday, February 9, 2023

Gangster: Revisited

Back in 2012, I wrote about a costume I wore for Halloween and a wardrobe malfunction that ensued.  You can read the post HERE.

Found a bunch of old photos the other night and one of them was a shot of us before we headed off on that fateful night.  I'm the tough guy on the right (my costumes were always last-minute)...


Lady M said...

Hee hee - that's is a funny story.

Rot said...

Haha thanks!

Willow Cove said...

I remember this movie:
Frankenstein meets Al Capone!

Rot said...

Haha totally!

Otaku said...

The eyes. It's your eyes that tell the tale. Me, I always wanted to be a skeleton. A walking skelly was the most frightening thing to me.