Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Unofficial Official Trailer: The Black Hole

I will never grow tired seeing scenes from this wonderful (and incredibly dark) film.

Click below...


Mike C(JASONV123) said...

Looks interesting!

Rot said...

Definitely should check it out.

Sean said...

This was a strange movie.

Rot said...


MR. Macabre said...

I loved this movie. When it came out, our mom was working at Disney studios and got passes for our family to see it before it came out in the theater on the studio lot. We also got to see Dragonslayer before it was released. It was very cool.

Rot said...

THAT is really neat you got to see it that way. A great memory for sure.

Revenant Manor said...

I Love this version of the trailer!

It's been a LONG time since I've seen the full film, but this trailer feels like it better represents the movie that was buried within the theatrical release all along.

Even as a dumb kid, I thought it felt like that movie was just terribly confused about what it wanted to be. It seemed like the potential for a truly great movie was always there if hey'd have been in a position to unapologetically lean into the darker elements.

The wonderful visuals and incredible exterior shots of the Cygnus, the bleakness of deep space, the VERY dark nature of the Reindhardt character and his deranged all had the makings of an incredible movie if they could have subjugated the desire to also have a marketable toy line.

Rot said...

Well put. I too saw it when I was pretty young and it definitely felt like something we weren't supposed to be watching...something for adults almost. But then the goofy floating "loveable" robots. You can almost imagine the fights during production where someone was shouting "WE MUST SELL TOYS!"
This is definitely one of those films where the concept elevates it above the end product (I feel the same way about HALLOWEEN III).
Such a huge fan though... I was actually excited when I heard about a remake, but then I came to my senses. Though I bet that would definitely lean into the darker elements (Though I haven't heard anything about the remake for a very long time).

I'll never forget watching this film over a friend's house. He had a VCR when my family was holding out. So not sure when this thing became available at video stores, but there we were, all sitting in his living room with his parents and grandmother... and we were all expecting a Disney film. By the time Heaven and Hell came on the screen, we all felt pretty confused.

girl6 said...

Crazy wonderful flick!
Must have cost a fortune to make that beauty. i'm guessing it was a big inspiration for "Event Horizon". The cast is insane. It has so many of my favorite guys! Even has Roddy McDowall (only in voice form but i'll take it!!!) It's amazing how young Robert Forster looks. So handsome! Got such a crush on him because of his Max Cherry in "Jackie Brown" haha.

I agree about Halloween III. In fact, just the other day we were saying the same thing! Funny.

Another crazy (very different of course) sci-fi film i always love watching is "Saturn 3" That movie will make you literally scream the entire time. HAHAHA!

Rot said...

haha..I know Saturn 3 very well and I concur!

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

How have I never seen this?!

Autumnleaf said...

Totally agree with above comments. Was this a sci-fi movie or horror movie? Having just become a total ALIEN snob from the release of the same a few months earlier I think I poo-pooed this as Disney's attempt to get on board with the SW genre. But I love this trailer! It makes me want to revisit the film with new appreciation.