Monday, April 15, 2024

Your Suffering Will Be Legendary

Image source.


MR. Macabre said...

Pinhead is quite possibly my favorite horror movie icon, even though he doesn't really have a lot of screen time in some of the Hellraiser movies.
My favorite Pinhead moment is in Hellraiser lll Hell on Earth. He walks into a church, and when a priest tries to stop him using a crucifix, he melts it into his hand. He then proceeds to the altar, and with a beautiful stained glass window behind him, spreads out his arms and tilts his head to the side and says "I am the way" while the candles flare up and the window explodes.
I'll never forget that visual.

Rot said...

I never saw the third one! That sounds pretty great.

MR. Macabre said...

It's not the best one in the series, but it has its moments. Some of the new Cenobite designs leave a little to be desired IMO.