Tuesday, August 1, 2023


There's a wonderful post over at the October Branches Halloween blog.  Tjalgahorn explored a topic that could make or break a Home Haunt - lighting.  And in particular... blue lighting.  It's a terrific entry and feels like a blog post from the old days of Halloween blogs.  When you could take a break at work during lunch or pour some coffee on a weekend and go see what people were featuring.  Much slower pace than the modern form of social media.  Maybe a dozen (or more) regularly-updated blogs... paragraphs of thought for your reading pleasure.  Funny stories, prop how-to's, Haunt photo galleries, movie trailers, random life stories...  all out there in the blogosphere.  Not many of us left these days, and that makes T's post extra special to this guy.

Click below to read the blog post...


MR. Macabre said...

I read the post, and it makes a lot of sense. I'd never thought about lighting my haunts with anything but natural light, that is fire/flame. I've been afraid of using to much light and spoiling the desired affect I've gone for. I've always used fire light and candle light.
I've always preferred to keep it dark enough so it wasn't always obvious what people were seeing. This makes them use their imaginations and wonder if what they saw was real or not. It's probably the reason so many kids were too afraid to make it to the front porch, which I always took as a compliment.

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

I really miss those days of Halloween on the internet. Everything feels so centralized now, so sanitized. Those Halloween blogs are part of what made me want to get into haunting. Now I feel like a ghost in the machine, re-reading epitaphs of dead websites. Good thing yours is still going strong, Rot.

Rot said...

Thanks, man.
Yeah, those were neat days when there were so many out there. So many different voices.

Otaku said...

Nice info on haunt lighting. I've a big fan of deep blue lights and contrasting it with orange or red lighting. It's often said that darkness is a haunter's best friend and deep blue light fits right in.

Tjalgahorn said...

Thanks so much for the feature! I hope to write more like this in the near future.

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

I've been meaning to check this blog out. Thanks for the reminder!