Friday, August 11, 2023

Halloween Candles

It's a really good year for unique Halloween scents.  Been seeing a lot of fun designs and cool names on candles in stores like Home Goods...  Haunted House, Fright Night, Midnight Haunt, Dark Amber Potion, Witching Hour, Spooky Season, and even something called Rotten Pumpkin (smells sweet and pleasant, unfortunately).

Naturally, prices shot up for candles like they did for everything else, so I've only been window (nose) shopping.  Still hoping for some super dark and smoky scent.  Preferably something with a hint of black licorice, and earthy dirt notes.  You know, something no one would buy, and I'd find it on a clearance rack for two bucks.


Boo Swain said...

I've probably said this here before but it warrants repetition: what I REALLY, REALLY want is one that smells like BURNT PUMPKIN, dammit! You know what I mean, the aroma when the candle in your jack-o'-lantern has burned the flesh on the underside of the pumpkin's lid. That smell is as representative of Halloween and Autumn as the incense from a pile of burning leaves on a chilly October evening.

So come on, candle-makers! Devise a charred pumpkin one and I promise to buy a case of 'em at least. Cross my heart and hope to die.

Rot said...

Couldn’t agree more!!!

Otaku said...

Wholeheartedly agree on the burnt pumpkin scent, I still use candles in the Jacks just to get that scorched smell.
Btw, Rot, the graveyard pic at the top of this week's posts takes me back to when I first discovered your site. Those early groundbreakers of yours are what convinced me to go all out on my yard haunt.

Rot said...

Hey, that’s great! Thank you!

MR. Macabre said...

I've always loved that smell. I love the smell of the bottom of the JOL lid after a couple of hours being lit. Everyone else in my family thinks I'm nuts, but they don't love Halloween like I do.
Maybe that's an unstated rule of Halloween, if you don't like this smell, you're not really a fan of October 31st?

Rot said...

Haha I second that rule

Lady M said...

I hear you. I am all about the $2 sales rack.

VeraL said...

Maybe you can make your own candles. There should be candlemaking courses near you. I had a work colleague, new to Canada, who signed up for a script writing course at the college. He went into the room and didn't think anything of it being all women except for him. Then the instructor walks in and starts with a candle making course. He basically sat through the entire class, I guess either enjoying the company or too embarrassed to leave. But it is an actual thing. They teach you how to create scents and you could veer off in your own territory and skip the floral scented stuff.