Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Haunted Overload

Some daytime photos from the greatest place on earth...

Will definitely be blogging about our trip to New England very soon.  


MR. Macabre said...

This place is a close second on my bucket list, I saw a video on this place last Fall on the YouTube channel The Grimm Life Collective. They did a daytime walk through, and it's everything I'd love to do if given the opportunity.
They don't hold anything back, and the backgrounds are 'frickn awesome. The level of detail is amazing, and they're not afraid to use some Occult/Satanic imagery or symbols. I love seeing that in a place like this, it's not a kiddie attraction for sure.

Do you know how far Lee, NH is from Salem, just wondering.

Rot said...

About a one hour drive.

Karen said...

I'm heading up for a visit tomorrow. Conveniently, Haunted Overload is directly across the street from my sister's farm, and 5 minutes from my parents!

I'm a Halloween fan who doesn't like being scared, but I love Haunted Overload because it's gorgeous, and I've been able to do the daytime tour often enough that the night frights are pleasant anticipation for me rather than having no idea what is coming.

Rot said...

That's wonderful you have family so close to them!
Enjoy! Hope it's good weather!

Revenant Manor said...

Haunted Overload is another one of those 'Someday' things I really want to experience of these Octobers, I'm just going to have a truly grand adventure north of the Mason-Dixon.