Friday, September 13, 2024

The Order Of The Halloween Tree

A photo series tribute to Ray Bradbury's classic tale.

This series comes to an end with Chapter 6:  Ralph Bengstrum 

Ralph stood in his Mummy costume, stunned, watching the last shadows go.

“Is that why I’m dressed like a mummy?” He fingered the bandages. He touched his clay-wrinkled ancient face. “Is that what my part of Halloween is all about?”

“All, boy, all,” murmured Moundshroud. “The Egyptians, why, they built to last. Ten thousand years they planned for. Tombs, boys, tombs. Graves.  Mummies. Bones. Death, death. Death was at the very heart, gizzard, light, soul, and body of their life! Tombs and more tombs with secret passages, so none might be found, so grave robbers could not borrow souls and toys and gold. You are a mummy, boy, because that was how they dressed for Eternity.  Spun up in a cocoon of threads, they hoped to come forth like lovely butterflies in some far dear loving world. Know your cocoon, boy. Touch the strange stuffs.”
“Why,” said Ralph the Mummy, blinking at the smoky walls and old hieroglyphics. “Every day was Halloween to them!"


Revenant Manor said...

You guys put together a wonderful series here, and it was a really enjoyable way to get through the tail-end of summer.

I'm sure it was a lot of work, but I hope you had a blast putting it all was definitely fun on this end.

Rot said...

Definitely loads of fun planning this out and trying to get the perfect shot. Felt like pulling Halloween out of the summer heat just a bit. We really appreciate the kind words about this project! Would have been great to finish up the series with the few kids remaining in the book, but we still have a bunch of stuff to get through for this year's Haunt, so the Ape Boy, Hobo, and Gargoyle (though that might have been Devil Boy) will have to wait!