Sunday, September 15, 2024

Westend Manor

Goblins on the doorstep,
     Phantoms in the air,
Owls on witches’ gate posts,
     Giving stare for stare.
Cats on flying broomsticks,
     Bats against the moon,
Stirring round of fate-cakes,
     With a solemn spoon.
Whirling apple parings,
     Figures draped in sheets,
Dodging, disappearing,
     Up and down the streets.
Jack-o’-lanterns grinning,
     Shadows on a screen,
Shrieks and starts and laughter -
     This is Halloween!
- Dorothy Brown Thompson


MR. Macabre said...

GEEZ, and I thought we gave out a lot of candy at my haunts.