Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Do You Believe In Witches?

I'm beyond excited to finally reveal my 2009 Haunt video.
2010 has been a super busy year for me, so after fiddling with this video way longer than I should have, I sent it off nice and late to my bud Jon Glassett so he could write the score for it.

Effusive praise is a good way to describe how I tried to convey my feelings towards his music when he emailed me the track. Gushing fanboy is another way.

Jon's score is perfect. It's lonely and distant, like the Corn Witch's abandoned cornfield. It's pain and sadness. It's despair. And it's frightening. Truly frightening. Like all great soundtracks, Jon's music tells a story. A story about being held captive, being tied to a post, seeing your fate in the form of dried and twisted mutilated corpses. And waiting your turn.

I'm grateful without measure for Jon's work on this beautiful piece of music. Truly.

The piece is called "Do You Believe In Witches?"
Copyright 2010 Jon Glassett
Used with Permission.

Click below to watch:

Or you can click HERE to watch it on Youtube.


NoahFentz said...

Damn...I have to wait to get home to see it...The computer at work doesn't like video.

I've been waiting for this day to come.

NA said...

Man that is beyond scary. Great job.

RebelShade said...

Wow. I wish I could of been at the end of the drive beting kids if they could make it up to the witch. I would have made allot of money/candy that night. You keep getting better each year. Truely Amazing. Great Score too. Wow
too bad it rained. said...

Just got time to listen to the whole thing (i'm at work and the boss is visiting).
This is amazing. I've been collecting Dark Ambient music for almost 20 years and i really think this guy should release a CD. I'd buy it.
Great to see the haunt in motion. This is wonderfully made and scored. Kudos, gents!

Rot said...

Thanks, all!

Really appreciate it. Couldn't be more pleased right now.

: )

Ghoul Friday said...

Nice work on both the video and the personalized score.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

I bow to your greatness yet again. :)


Rot said...

: D

Anonymous said...

For the few years that I have been visiting your blog, this haunt tops all that you have done and it is hard to believe that you could top " The Corn Witch ". The atmosphere in this one is super dark. I can imagine walking down that path towards that witch as she is looking at me as her next tasty snack!
Jon's score fits pefectly once again. and I agree with the others that if he would put together a cd I would be buying it for sure.

Great Job to you both!!

Rot said...

Really appreciate that, man.

Thanks again to everyone.

Jon said...

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the comments.

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

AMAZING JOB!!!!! Your haunt looks just as good on video as it did in the pictures. Love the score, the visuals, everything! It's just friggin' GREAT!!!

Oh, by the way: Who's in the witch costume/puppet.

Rot said...


My brother was in there for the video shoot. When we were all done he asked if I could film him as he ran around in the costume, up and down the street.

I regret saying no. I was so tired and worn out...dang it.

Grim said...

Great job to both of you. What a great video!

Sara said...

next best thing to being there! love it.

Aron said...

Awesome video - but one question - I thought you were a mostly static-prop haunter but did I see some automation with the Corn Witch? If my eyes were playing tricks on me are moving-props something you're considering in the future? Regardless great work - can't wait until 2010!!!

Rot said...

Nope. That's a prop/costume with a live actor inside (my bro). : )

PumpkinBrain said...

Each time I take a look at pictures of your haunt, I am in awe. Your haunt alone have the dark ambiance I like so much and the score take that ambiance to the next level. What more can I say except that I bow to your amazing talent. I agree with the others, if Jon would put a CD of his music I would buy one.

Steve Ring said...

Wow! I overlooked this one earlier, somehow. Freaking epical! Seeing it in motion really makes it that much more awesome. I would have been traumatized to go through that as a kid but I would be madly determined to see it every year.

Anonymous said...

Heart thumping *thump* thump* This is frightening and still it's resonating through me. WOW! GREAT job! *dropped dead from fright* thump


I have been eagerly awaiting this compilation video; goes together like peas and carrots!

JHMDF said...

Master of the Masters. That video nearly brought happy tears to my eyes. I am so glad you got to capture last years haunt after the fact it rained... It would have been a loss for all the fans of your work to not get to see something that good. Like already stated, I do not know how you will top that one... but if any one can, it's you. The music was spot on too Jon, very very good.

NoahFentz said...

Rushed home,borrowed my son's laptop, put on the head phones, lit a clove candle, sat back and experienced the best 5 minutes of my Halloween life...

Happy Halloween Man, Happy Halloween.

Rot said...

That's awesome, man.

Patrick Nottingham said...

Does Jon Glassett have a website or any other music like this. I'd totally buy a CD. Heck I'm betting folks would pay to have him score their videos too.

Jon said...

Sounds like I've got some work to do.

Jesse said...

As others have said...amazing!

Mr. Macabre said...

You. Are. Hallowe'en.

Anonymous said...

This.Is.Spectacular! I love it! The score is beyond awesome. I'd also like him to do a CD, I'd purchase!

Sam Kadi said...

Been up in the Mountains here in Colorado all week, I have been waiting to come home to watch this. THanks Rot!

Raven176 said...

Can't add anymore to what's been said.

This is Halloween.

Sam Kadi said...

I really loved the video, another great haunt as usual. The level of atmosphere just keeps getting amped up. I thought that the walkway was pure genius, the sense of enclosure and being surrounded by the corn witches victims was too cool. I wish I was a kid in your neighborhood.

Jason-v said...

Atmosphere, detail, and creepy!! I love it Rot!!! Great work with the audio Jon!!!

The Captain said...

Amazing as always! The duo of you and Jon on the last two years videos are awesome. I was totally expecting at the end of the video when the camera pulled back down the walkway, that your brother was going to come bolting towards the camera!

I agree with everyone Jon, I would buy a CD from you if sounded as creepy as everything else I've heard from you.

I also agree with Mr. Macabre "You. Are. Halloween."

austint said...

my mind blacked out from all this deliteful Halloween scenery! Halloween 2010!