Friday, November 7, 2014

GravenWood Halloween 2014

More images here.


Erik J.A. said...

Just gorgeous...atmosphere out the wazoo.

Terrormaster said...

A lot of haunters have moved on to LED and CFL lighting which provide sharper, crisper, more vivid, and richer colors. Even a majority of my own lighting the last couple of years are now CFLs.

But looking over these wonderfully beautiful photos and back at my earlier years. There's just something very classic and artistic about saturated blues in haunt lighting. It just harkens back to the days of old Hammer film moonlit sets. I miss it. This haunt definitely stirs nostalgic memories of those days.

The Creeping Cruds said...

Feels like the house at the end of the street, on the edge of the woods that kids just aren't sure about.
Great stuff!
Love the lighting, "mossy" trees, and how the corn stalks make things a bit claustrophobic!

screaminscott said...

Terrormaster: Was was going to say something similar. I love 'bluish' cast to the lighting. Also, I like the direction - the downward cast to some of the lighting. I think I might have to experiment more with that in my yard next year.

Anonymous said...

So subtle, so awesome.

Rural Scarecrow. said...

This house looks like a movie set - My kids would not trick or treat there. It would be the "I dare you" house to go up alone.

Holy Tarra said...

Those toad stools are awesome! I think they are some of the best I've seen. Really nice lighting too.

Countess VonRauber (Heidi) said...

They've got the perfect lighting, hands down. Just a creepy, washed out, bluish color. Simply beautiful!

MorbidMariah said...

This haunt looks amazing. I love the eerie green-blue quality of the light, the cornstalks, and the webby mossy look to the trees. I wonder where this is located. I always wish i could see these amazing yard haunts in person.

Unknown said...

I love the photo with the lights from under the porch steps!