Thursday, November 6, 2014

Spooky Franklin Halloween 2014

More images here.


Anonymous said...

Great pics. Love the scarecrows.

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

Now THIS is how you decorate for Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Seriously. HOW do you do your web? I can't EVER get the damn web to look like that!

Ragged Grin said...

Awesome display!

Juli Riedel said...

Oh, how I love pumpkins!!! Great pics!

The Creeping Cruds said...

Thank you for sharing Spooky Franklin! It's an honor..

Laura - re the webs.. It's 75% lighting.
I see neighbors flop them over bushes and shrubs which is inevitably going to end up in a big blob. They stick well to rough bricks, away from wind and moisture. Grab the tiniest pinch and spread them out to the point where it seems it's about the break - ie as thin as you can get em. Grind them flat-palmed into the brick, stretch and spread. Try not to bind thick areas of web.. Wash, rinse repeat. Good luck!

girl6 said...

& those jacks look like strands of Twinklies!!..<333