Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Flash

My mother usually spends a part of Halloween night taking photos of my display - with one of those disposable cameras made of cardboard. I can hear her cranking the dial to the next photo like a giant annoying cricket. I always hope that she forgot to get a new camera since the last occasion for photographs, but she usually has a brand new disposable camera to flood my props with bright white light on Halloween night. She'll call me a few months later telling me I have to see the photos she took, the ones she's been showing to her friends. I cringe at the thought of my haunt being represented by her washed-out grainy photos from her cheap little camera in a tiny cardboard box.

Sunspots and temporary blindness for these guys.


Anonymous said...

i always tried to take night photos with my digital camera without the flash but my hands shake too much and they would turn out blurry. then i read you use the timer, so i tried it and now my pics turn out perfect! (stupid me!)

Grim said...

My mom does the exact same thing. I always tell her to just tell people about the website instead of taking all those pictures with a flash or during the daylight hours. Even more annoying, while I am walking around in character, she will follow me around taking pictures of me and talking to me. Even though she does all of this, I guess I'm still glad she comes up for Halloween night.

The Captain said...

Rot your so funny when you talk about your mom!

I use a timer and a small tripod, and about half of my photos turn out good. I need a better camera I guess?

Anonymous said...

if my mom would ever follow me around while i was in character, i would make her part of the act!( make it like i was eating her or something)

Cranky Amy said...

Yes, but washed-out grainy isn't ALWAYS bad. . .

Rot said...

I admit, I'm sometimes a hypocrite...SOMETIMES it's ok