Saturday, March 31, 2018

Long Live Ben Tramer

It has just occurred to me that if the next Halloween film assumes that only the first Halloween film (1978) existed in the Halloween films franchise universe - erasing all of the sequels -  that Ben Tramer was never murdered by a police car and burned to a crisp. 

I'm walking out of the theater if Laurie is now married to Ben Tramer.  Though I'm hoping it's like those Final Destination films where Fate eventually catches up to you, regardless of how hard you pretend your fiery death didn't occur between a van and a police car.

I'll high-five everyone in the theater if there IS a Ben Tramer in the new film, but only if he gets smashed and burned by the end of the film [and I hate people who high-five].

Ben Tramer happy to be alive (and squandering things already).

Friday, March 30, 2018

Now Watching: Eyes Wide Shut

Now streaming on Netflix.

...And Skim The Bones Off The Top

I haven't seen floating bones before in a stirring cauldron prop, so bravo to this guy.  Looks amazing.

And click below for a short video:
OldHalloweenStuff's Instagram here.

Transworld Halloween & Attractions Show

Through the lens of Highbury Cemetery.

Click below for a ton of wonderful photos...  I blame this guy (and K.O.) for why I never feel a need to see these things in person...  Stealing a line from my old man - "Why do I need to go ANYWHERE?!  I have it all RIGHT HERE!"

Click below:

Begging For Candy

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Now Playing: Come To Me

Fright Night Forever...

By Anthony Jones.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Mad Monster Party

Needle Felt by Michelle Miller.

Her Instagram account here.
And main site here.

Now Playing: Dead Man's Bones

Here's one from the past...I feel like this is the internet's best kept Halloween secret...Hoping Ryan Gosling and Zach Shields release some more music in this style/theme:

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Strangers Prey At Night [Masks]

Love the burlap one.  Multi-functional a scarecrow, a killer, or use it on a scarecrow prop as the perfect head.

Click below for Trick or Treat Studios' awesome site:

I Couldn't Agree More

And, Hollywood, I'm up for the challenge...I'm your guy.

Click below for the article:

Now Playing: Andromeda

By Syntax.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Smoking Man

I mentioned somewhere that my original version of the Strawman had him enjoying a corncob pipe by the fire.  It never came to pass as I just didn't dig the vibe.  But I kept the pipe and wanted to eventually snap some photos (if you look closely you can see a tiny thin sprite of smoke [from a piece of an incense cone dropped in the end of the pipe]).

Now Playing: The Beguiled

Wonderful film with a really great end titles track (though brief)...

Friday, March 23, 2018

Noisy Spirit

So last night I found an oddly bent spoon in the silverware drawer.
Tonight I was leaning forward on the couch and felt one of the cats crawling around behind me...turned to pet the critter...and NOTHING WAS THERE.

Yep...pretty certain later this evening this will happen...

Now Playing: Yog-Sothoth

An H.P. Lovecraft tribute album with two massive dark ambient soundscape tracks...

Begging For Candy

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Now Playing: Demon House

The score to Zak Bagans' Demon House was phenomenal.  Added so much to the film.  And was just crazy fun too.

Click below for the soundtrack by composer Mimi Page:

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Demon House

Rented Zak Bagans' film Demon House today and loved it.  If you're a fan of Ghost Adventures, you'll definitely enjoy this documentary.  It's genuinely creepy, with some credible witness interviews that add to the general unease and spookiness.  I actually got full-on chills at one point. 

I highly recommend it.  Well worth the rental fee.

Trailer: Fahrenheit 451

Long live Ray Bradbury...

The Bone Cart

Image by alloween_propworks.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Demon House Review

I'm liking the sound of this:
This is in NO WAY a spin-off 90-minute episode of “Ghost Adventures,” in which the guys use a number of devices and tons of night vision and/or full-spectrum cameras to tell their stories and collect evidence. Instead, Demon House utilizes the people who were affected by the case to convey just how insanely scary the events surrounding this building actually are. Was there possession? Is it haunted? Was the house used for nefarious purposes? Every time you think that things cannot get any stranger, the story keeps building and the tension keeps mounting.

Click below for the full review...

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Flying Crank Ghost

Probably the most soothing of all Halloween props...

Click below:

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Now Playing: Beth's Theme

By Olafur Arnalds.

Von Jekyll Art

Such neat pieces.  I feel like you'd order a mask from this shop and then read about how people in your neighborhood were murdered during the night.  Then you'd notice the dried blood on your fingers.

Totally cursed masks... 

The Etsy Shop here.

Screw Computers

Friday, March 9, 2018

Now Playing: Christine (Cover)

Man, this is AMAZING...

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Grandpa's Pants Scarecrow

One of the coolest things I've seen to date...
A miniature scarecrow (that doesn't look small at all) done in the Haunted Air style.
Scarecrow and style by the talented Willow Cove Haunt.

Click below for the set:

Monday, March 5, 2018

More From Villafane Studios

Click the cool scarecrow below...

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Remembering Marrow he's passed on or something...

Below are some of Theo's works from years past.