Friday, March 31, 2017

More Marcel Hass

I love this guy's style...

More works here.


Now Playing: Front Row Gallows View

By Kristoffer Lo.

Some More Grim Stitch Factory

Love this guy's works.  And he was hired to design some masks for a series on the SyFy channel.  VERY cool.

More here.

Begging For Candy

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Coming Soon: The Mothman Of Point Pleasant

Looks like this is almost ready to be released to the public...


...a soft, irregular sound of footfalls on the stairs! They were slow, hesitant, uncertain, as of something that did not see its way; to my disordered reason all the more terrifying for that, as the approach of some blind and mindless malevolence to which is no appeal.

Ambrose Bierce

Image by october_dreaming.

Book Food

Another great post over at the Vintage Séance blog.  Food inspired from literature.  A spread based on the one in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow would probably make me weep openly if I saw it at a Halloween party.

Still wanting Yoda's Stew, Blade Runner Noodles, and any potion made by Grandpa Munster...

Click below:

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Transworld HAA 2017

Been looking around for photos of this event.

Click below for a nice set...

Tiffany Bat Lamp


Image source.

More Works By Joseph-Rob Cobasky

Can't believe what this man creates...

More works here.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Pinhead Experience

I think I would be creeped out meeting the Hell Priest of the Cenobites in the flesh at a horror convention.  

Click below for something interesting...

Now Playing: The Caretaker

Some appropriate music for thoughts of Old Halloweens from decades ago...

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Halloween 2017's Haunt Theme

Be sure to swing by the blog on Monday morning...
Going to reveal this year's Haunt Theme.

I'm pretty excited about it.

Now Playing: Escape From Earth

By Thomas Barrandon.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Nordic Akvavit

Aquavit is a spirit traditionally enjoyed in Scandinavia. Nordic Akvavit is flavored with caraway, dill, and fennel. Aquavit is traditionally taken straight, however, it does make a tasty Bloody Mary and can be used in many of the same cocktails that normally call for gin.

Click below for Rowhouse Spirits.

Blurry Snowman


By Sam Heimer.

Dark And Stormy

Begging For Candy

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Highbury Blog

Always fun stuff over at the Highbury Cemetery blog...

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Whisper Creek Cemetery

Click below for a video...

Ghost In The Graveyard

Images by C.D.W.

New Mystery Science Theater 3000 Series

I had no idea this was coming...
Disappointed that Mike Nelson isn't a part of this, but I'll certainly give it a shot.

Click below:

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Now Playing: The Curse Of The Scarecrow

One of the finest Dark Ambient projects around - Megaptera.
Specifically the album below...  one of the reasons I started listening to Dark Ambient.

And with tracks with names like "Kingdom of Death," "The Curse of the Scarecrow," and "Hear My Bowels," how can it be bad?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Reed Family Abduction

In 1966, the same year the family moved to the farm, the young brothers purportedly had their first extraterrestrial experience. For Thom, though only 6 years old at the time, the images are still vivid. Their bedroom was on the second floor of a big old farmhouse, and one night, after they’d gone to bed, they had a strange feeling, he says. Scared, they wandered into the hall and saw two figures appear at the top of the stairs—“ghosts,” the boys called them.

Click the image for a fantastic interview with Thom Reed.


Image by hazzii_br.

Now Playing: Arecibo

By Carbon Based Lifeforms.

Friday, March 17, 2017