Saturday, July 30, 2016

You Are All My Children Now

Found a neat Robert Englund tumblr...

The tumblr here.


Just when I think there's no possible way this track won't sound too familiar and overplayed, it turns out to sound just like Halloween night.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Now Playing: Let Us Prey OST

Fun horror film with a GREAT electronic score.

Click below:


Images from the Outside Clyde blog.

Beauty And The Beast

Even in the obscuring twilight, and behind the lightly floating veil of snow, the Wanderer was clearly no more than a humble old tramp freighter. The most imaginative, the most romantic eye could have detected nowhere about her that lean grace, those sharply cleaving contours which the landsman looks for in a craft all set to embark upon a desperate adventure.

King Kong, the novel.

Image by Nekoglyph.

Beyond The Wall

The Californian winter was on, and the incessant rain splashed in the deserted streets, or, lifted by irregular gusts of wind, was hurled against the houses with incredible fury. With no small difficulty my cabman found the right place, away out toward the ocean beach, in a sparsely populated suburb. The dwelling, a rather ugly one, apparently, stood in the center of its grounds, which as nearly as I could make out in the gloom were destitute of either flowers or grass. Three or four trees, writhing and moaning in the torment of the tempest, appeared to be trying to escape from their dismal environment and take the chance of finding a better one out at sea. The house was a two-story brick structure with a tower, a story higher, at one corner. In a window of that was the only visible light. Something in the appearance of the place made me shudder, a performance that may have been assisted by a rill of rainwater down my back as I scuttled to cover in the doorway.

Ambrose Bierce

Text source.
Image source.

Now Playing: That House

By Dance with the Dead...

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Highbury How-To

GREAT instructions on making a foam tombstone over at the Highbury Cemetery blog.

Click below:

Tweens To Be Tried As Adults In Slender Man Attack

My Roots scarecrow has surfaced again in affiliation with the dreaded Slender Man.

The caption is hilarious, beings I never heard of Slender Man back when I built him...
"An artist's depiction of the Slender Man, a popular Internet meme."

Click below for the story:

Haunted Acres

Images by TheNextMartha.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Revisiting Screaming Scarecrow

More images here.

Engineers Are Not Space Jockeys?

I love that other people are as troubled as I am about this.

The comments section is the best, as most folks ignore the simple fact that Ridley Scott did, in fact, try to explain that the Space Jockey [non-humanoid-shaped] creature was actually just a humanoid in a [illogically-designed] space suit.  
That said, I still reject it.  
There's just no way.

Click below...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ash Vs Evil Dead Red Band Trailer

Totally Red Band...


Who are they to decide if 83 and sunny is 'delightful'?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Posted By Alice Cooper

This is kinda crazy to ponder.
And beyond exciting.
I love this.

Huge thanks to Mike at Highbury Cemetery for sharing this with me!

And here's his Facebook page.

Happy 30th, ALIENS

Sunday, July 17, 2016

More Carpenter

An excellent post over at the awesome Highbury Cemetery blog.
Some great photos and a terrific video...

Click below:

Saturday, July 16, 2016