Thursday, May 30, 2024

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tunnel Of Love

This is really creepy.  And the webs look totally real.  Imagine walking through this in a Haunt and then the tunnel gets narrower and narrower as you move through.  I wonder how many kids would make it all the way through.

[More] Amongst Dead Things

Definitely the most unique masks out there.

Delightfully disturbing.  Like you'd put one on and never be able to remove it.

Click below to see his latest...

Monday, May 27, 2024

Now Playing: Thirteen

By Matt Lange.

Click below...


Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill!

- Dr. Foster, Dawn of the Dead

Group Effort

Image by Daniel Berks.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Wooden Grave Markers

Ever wonder why there are so many empty spaces in old cemeteries?

Michael Emery, who has spent two decades documenting historic cemeteries throughout southeastern and central Pennsylvania, has concluded that these seemingly empty spaces were once occupied by temporary wooden markers, most of which have rotted away long ago. While some of these were replaced by formal tombstones or markers of modest fieldstones, others were never replaced at all, leaving empty gaps among the oldest memorials in historic graveyards.

Click below for the story...

Welcoming Committee

Image source.

Halloween Shadows

This is really perfect.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Shadow's Edge

A now-defunct haunted attraction in Omaha.  Not many prop photos on their social media, but I thought this one was pretty neat.

Pumpkin Greeters

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Trailer: Longlegs

The official trailer below...

Cooling Off

Going up to 86 in these parts today...  remembering snow fondly.

Image source.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Death's Grip

The rate of preventable injury-related deaths occurring in or around the home has increased 253% since 1999. This rapid increase has erased the progress made over many decades. Between 1928 and 1990, the death rate decreased 65%, from 25 per 100,000 population in 1928 to 8.6 in 1990. In the last 10 years, the death rate has increased 86% while the number of deaths increased 96%. This increase in deaths is largely driven by increases in unintentional poisonings and falls.

Fire Goooood

Broke in our new Halloween fire pit last night after work.  

The maiden voyage was a blissful success... and seeing glowing bats and a jacko face smiling fire wasn't too shabby either.

Sunday, May 12, 2024


A neat IG account featuring witches in children's literature.

Trailer: Psycho III

One of my favorite horror films.  Beautifully directed by Anthony Perkins himself.  

And always perfect for Mother's Day.

The fan trailer below captures the feel of the film if you haven't seen it.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Now Playing: Saturday Morning Coffee Music

Dark Piano for Witching Hour, by Regnum Umbrae.

Click below...

Friday, May 10, 2024


Image by Kevin Moore.

Now Playing: Vostok

By Triosk.

Click below...

Painting by Andrew Wyeth.

Workshop Tour

Short video over on Instagram of some props in the basement (framed out the stuff for 2024 [haha])...

Click below...

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Now Playing: Saturday Morning Music

Ma Dressing, by The Dale Cooper Quartet.

Click below...

Image by David Ferrando Giraut.