Sunday, December 22, 2024

Night Monsters

More images here.


Lady M said...

These monsters look prickly. This haunter must have one hell of a pair of gloves.

Rot said...

Haha they must!

Haunted Eve said...

Really impressive creations. There's a ton of detail in that haunt. Zooming in on the photos you see really how many little details there are, like a Hershey bar in the hand of what appears to be Gretel standing next to the witch and Hansel trapped in a cage in the one photo. Checked out their Reddit page and they also do a cool "Creepmas" type holiday display as well.

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

This is the BEST incorporation of Halloween monsters into a desert landscape. The barrel cactus monster is hilarious. And I love the juxtaposition of the mermaid skeleton against the prickly pear cactus. Makes me miss living in Tucson.

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

Going to check that out! Thanks for the heads up!