Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Blood Splattered Candle Holders

Or, rather, Witch Jars.

Remember that post a while back on Integrity?

Someone was cool enough to email me a link to a blog where my Witch Jar design was being shared as the blog owner's original design. After 23 comments from people admiring her work, I was a little surprised to see not one comment from the blogger saying something like "Thanks! I based it on a design I saw on the Pumpkinrot blog!" But nuthin. So we figured we'd post a comment saying something like "Great to see you dig my Witch Jars! Yours look great!" and we provided a link to my Witch Jar blog entry from back in July.

The comment was never posted, but a disclaimer was suddenly added at the bottom of the post:
*Please note that this craft was inspired by another blog, but for the life of me, I don't remember who's it was. If you recognize it, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due!

Pretty shameful. And fun to call her out on it.

My pretties.

Here's her original cached post without the disclaimer.

Here's her revision.


Anonymous said...

That is just sooo unbelievable! I really hate it when people do that. At least a faithful patron of yours brought it to your attention.

Nice Bust!

Pumpkin Jack said...

I agree with Bean. She's got copyright posted on her page. WTF. The nerve.

Arcane said...

Wow. The nerve of people. Quite shameful indeed.

Pam Morris said...

unfortunately, this stuff happens all the time in the art world--all of us are inspired by something when we create--just seems decent to give credit to the "inspiration". I've had it happen to me a few times--somebody takes my creation, changes it around a bit and sells it. It pisses me off but its the way of it...agree with bean--glad you 'busted' her!

Jon Glassett said...

Look at the last comment on your original post. Left by her. Deleted.

She knows *exactly* where she got the idea.

Rot said...


And really sad.

NecroBones said...

Pretty shameful. Just admitting it would have been easy, after it was pointed out. This is now a deliberate cover-up.

She can still copyright it because the instructions she wrote were here creation. Unless someone got a patent on making witch jars, this is 100% legal. But ethically, one should cite one's sources. said...

What a tool she is.

ShellHawk said...

You know, I surf so much, I DO forget where I find stuff, but I always post that I forgot, and I really DO want someone to tell me where I found it.
It's too bad. I'm disappointed in her and expected better.
But again, plagiarism is a form of compliment.

Mantan Calaveras said...

Well, you know, people have insecurities, and if they do something disingenuous or selfish, they'll erect defenses to protect their emotional well-being.

It's kind of disappointing, but I think it's also important to maintain empathy. People do "bad" things because they are hurt.

Mantan Calaveras said...

By the way, I made some of your witch jars this Halloween. My personal recipe:

I dipped each jar in a solution of water and wood glue, let air dry on a sheet of newspaper, and then re-dipped for a second layer. I decided that the result was too white, so I broiled them in the oven for a few minutes.

I was doing some mache/painting and I had a reservoir of brownish black water on hand. I dipped balls of tissue paper into the inky water and then pressed them into the bottom of the jar. To this I added some of my roommates hair, which was nestled into the tissue, with strands pressed to the sides of the jar.

They looked tolerable good, but I'll need to refine the brew next time I make 'em.

Jon Glassett said...

“An’ it harm none, do as you will.”

I think some harm is being done. Mostly to her reputation.

Rot said...

Human hair. I love that idea. Bet they looked great.

I saw a $15.00 massive mason jar at Michael's over the weekend. Was so tempted to pick it up and use it as a porch lantern off-season with a pillar candle, and then dirty it up for next Halloween come autumn.

Anonymous said...

HA! I can't believe that she said she couldn't remember where saw these before, but yet left a comment on the original post....amazing.

Grim said...

I left a comment telling her where she might have seen it before... I'm sure it will never get posted though.

Jeano Roid said...

"yes, but mine are Blood SPATTERED Candle Holders - never said SPLATTERED"

Vintage Seance said...

Yeah, sucks when people don't give others credit for their work. One time someone even copied a description of my one of my mom's products on her website 'word-for-word'. I always provide some links when I make a post, especially when it comes to design inspiration. I love to give other people credit- that way they know they have inspired me and also they will be noticed by someone else and inspire them. Hopefully she knows better now.

Stephanie D said...

And now, if you click on the second link in your post, the page doesn't exist.

Odd, isn't it?

Gregory said...

Seems that the site has been updated and now contains her confession/admission that it was inspired by Pumpkinrot...

I'm sure she feels better to have come clean.

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

And when I looked tonight, as far as I can tell, the blood jars are no longer on her site.

Nar said...

I've had things ripped off before, so I purposely sought out this page just to show I'm not the only one.