Thursday, May 2, 2019

Forever Knight

God, I used to watch this cheesy (great) show.  Thinking about it now, series like these were really ahead of their time.  Mill Creek is releasing the complete series.  I'd be almost afraid to watch it now. 

Click below for the opening titles...

And click here for information on the release.


Revenant Manor said...

Boy, have we come a long way. ;)

It's been a long tough road, and there's still a lot of pretty cheesy stuff out there, but a significant portion of sci-fi / horror themed entertainment choices these days probably don't even qualify as guilty pleasures.

The opportunity to watch things like 'Stranger Things' or 'Haunting of Hill House' and not having to be in near-permanent-cringe-mode just to satisfy my need for creepy-monstery stuff is truly amazing, and makes the long slog through the dreck worthwhile.

Willow Cove said...

I remember this! I want to check this out again. Cool title graphics....

Hal9thou said...

Loved this show! Especially the flashbacks. So Anne Rice!

Mr Black said...

I watched the Dungeons & Dragons animated series as a an adult... That was a mistake.