Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011


Image by texwinters.

Now Playing: Order Of The Ginger Gild

By Tangerine Dream.

War of the Worlds on the brain, apparently.

Click below:

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Not going to lie. I've been in love with the War of the Worlds alien since the first time I saw it. And I always felt such pity for it when Dr. Forrester cleaned its clock and it ran away screeching. It would have been a great creature pet/buddy to have in the house. You come home from school and it's waiting there. You can read a book at night from the light of its tri-colored glowing eye.

Though I guess it'd have to live in a bubble. Common bacteria and all.

Found these GREAT photos on flickr. I had always assumed it was a smaller creature, and certainly not a costumed actor. I figured it was just a puppet.

Pale, Emotionless Face

Image by A. Greg Raymond.

Now Playing: In Abscence Of Light

An old favorite by Raison D'Être.

Click below:


Current obsession:
More amazing works by artist Blanka Dvorak.


Image by Quarter-Jap.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Haunter Of The Dark

The art of Blanka Dvorak.

From Ectoplasmosis.

The artist's site.


Van Helsing's Wish List

Thanks, Bob.
This is really neat.


Fun haunt video with a lot of great detail and atmosphere.

Click to watch:


Image by sparth.

The End Is Nigh

1844 - William Miller predicted Christ would return between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844, then revised his prediction, claiming to have miscalculated Scripture, to October 22, 1844. The realization that the predictions were incorrect resulted in a Great Disappointment.

1914, 1918, 1925, 1942 - Dates set for the end by the Jehovah's Witnesses.

1981 - Pastor Chuck Smith predicted that Jesus would probably return by 1981.

1988 - Publication of "88 Reasons why the Rapture is in 1988," by Edgar C. Whisenant.

1989 - Publication of "The final shout: Rapture report 1989", by Edgar Whisenant. More predictions by this author appeared for 1992, 1995, and other years.

1992 - Korean group "Mission for the Coming Days" predicted October 28, 1992 as the date for the rapture.

1993 - Seven years before the year 2000. The rapture would have to start to allow for seven years of the Tribulation before the Return in 2000. Multiple predictions.

1994 - Pastor John Hinkle of Christ Church in Los Angeles predicted June 9, 1994. Radio evangelist Harold Camping predicted September 6th, 1994.

2011 - Harold Camping's revised prediction has May 21, 2011 as the date of the rapture.

2060 - Sir Isaac Newton proposed, based upon his calculations using figures from the book of Daniel, that the Apocalypse could happen no earlier than 2060.

I want my Rapture to have flaming zombies.

Text source.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Click below:

Chinatown Ghost

Suddenly, they heard the dead body on the bed cry out, and uncovering the quilt, they found that Zhu had come to life again. They were full of joy and began to ask him all about it.
But Zhu only replied to his wife, saying, “When I died I did not expect to come back. However, by the time I had got a few miles on my way, I thought of the poor old body I was leaving behind me, dependent for everything on others, and with no more enjoyment of life. So I made up my mind to return, and take you away with me.”

Image by noqontrol.

Text source.

Horror Mag Cover Art

Image source.


Image by SusieQ98.


Image by camiori.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Laugh Clown

There's nothing funny about a clown in the moonlight.

Lon Chaney

Image by dyathink.

Night Visitor

My mother and her sisters had pushed their beds together that night and made one big bed. The moon was full so they could see fairly well in the dark. At around 3:00 AM, my mother awoke to a snarling sound coming from somewhere in her room, she said she almost felt paralyzed. As she started to open her eyes, she could see this huge black gargoyle looking thing standing at the end of her bed with these evil red eyes staring at her. She could see his snarling teeth, she could feel the heat of his breath on her skin. She was so terrified she could not move. She said it looked at her like, 'I know you can see me'.

Twenty years later we had a family reunion with all my relatives and they started talking...

My Aunt Linda says, "Did you guys see what I saw that night?" and the look on my mom and Aunt Janet's face said it all.

Image by Dan Harding.

Text source.


The chilled fog effect is always hypnotic.
When it's pouring out of a coffin, it's heavenly.

Click below to watch:

Before The Mask

HUGE fan of the first film, so this is really neat news.

According to director/creator Scott Glosserman, they want to do a sequel, but it is far from a certainty. The script for it picks up right at the end of the first film. Same tone, same aesthetics. Together with Behind the Mask co-writer David J. Stieve, Glosserman has found a way to continue the story of Leslie (Nathan Baesel) and Taylor (Angela Goethals) that makes sense. They've already spoken with Robert Englund to reprise his Ahab role of Doc Halloran. The filmmakers even have locations waiting, and most of the cast is in place and nailed down, but there no financiers as of yet.

In Before the Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon, we find Leslie disappointed and depressed that his fame did not catch on. He wants to get back to work.

More at

The trailer for the first film.


War is a way of shattering to pieces,
or pouring into the stratosphere,
or sinking in the depths of the sea,
materials which might otherwise be used
to make the masses too comfortable,
and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.

The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading.
It would probably be accurate to say

that by becoming continuous
war has ceased to exist. ... War is Peace.

George Orwell, 1984

Image by DaveDorman Photographer.

Now Playing: The Exorcism Of Emily Rose

By Christopher Young.

Click below:

Image by Iain McLauchlan.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Image by zakh1.

Body Bag

Dreams Of Darkchylde Collection

Some super cool inside information: The next collection of Randy Queen's Darkchylde has a forward by director John Carpenter.

Ariel Chylde is the girl cursed to become any of the creatures from her many Nightmares. But, have the shadows circled all her life? Now, go deeper... into her past... into her dreams...where fears roam, and truth is never a friend! 140 pgs of wicked beauty, psychological terror, monsters, and ghosts of the past! Collects Dreams of Darkchylde #1-6.

Available for pre-order at Amazon.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Good Man In A Bad Time

The Slowing

Apparently there's a trend on youtube where songs are slowed down 800X to achieve an ambient-like experience which captures the essence of the original song, but prolongs the experience for over thirty minutes, depending on the length of the original.

Here's a 13:56 minute portion of a 33 minute version of Thomas Newman's Any Other Name which I posted a few days ago. I was always left wanting more of that track. Very neat to find this treatment.

And kinda mesmerizing.

Click below:


That was a rough bunch of hours not being able to access the blog.
Apparently the problem with Blogger has been fixed.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Journal

My brother's a neat guy. When we were in grade school , my mother gave us journals as a birthday gift. I guess she wanted us to collect our thoughts and journal them. I think I drew in mine. My brother started writing fictitious entries. It was about his walk to school. He found a dead cat and tasted the meat and liked it. He then returned the following day to collect it in a sack, so he could bring it home and feed on it there. Brief entries discussing each meal. It was hilarious, and really quite awesome for that age.

After he wrote an entry and shared it with me, he would hide the journal behind some books on the top of a big bookshelf in our room. One morning during breakfast, my mother comes in ranting, "SICK. IT'S SICK!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU???!"

It's a creepy thought picturing your sneaky mother slithering around your bedroom trying to find the journals she gave you for your birthday. I just wish I had drawn mutilated bodies resembling my entire family in mine.

Image by volen76.

And sadly, the journal entries stopped after that.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The art of Marc Da Cunha Lopes.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Now Playing: Any Other Name

By Thomas Newman, from the film American Beauty.

Click below:

Image source.

The Lords Of Salem

Location photos from Rob Zombie's latest film.

More photos here.


Then he heard it.
Deep down in the subterranean fissures of his body, the minute, unbelievable noises; little smackings and twisting and little dry chippings and grindings and nuzzling sounds like a tiny hungry mouse down in the red-blooded dimness, gnawing ever so earnestly and expertly at what might have been, but was not, a submerged timber ... !

Ray Bradbury

Ground Lantern

Image by Sphyncktre.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Cowman

Excerpts from a creepy Bigfoot tale:

My dad asked him to explain what had happened. Jon said that when he got home from work Friday evening, his youngest son Tim, who was around four at the time, told him he saw a big “Cowman” walking at the edge of their field that afternoon. He thought the boy meant “Cowboy”, because some of his neighbors wore cowboy hats when they were out in the sun. He asked him if the man was wearing a cowboy hat, and the boy said, “No Daddy, he was a Cowman, furry and stinky like the cows.” He asked his wife if she knew what he was talking about, and she said Tim was playing on the porch that afternoon, when he came running in and said the cow man was stuck on the fence. He was very excited, so she went out to see what he was talking about. She said as she opened the door, she was hit by a horrible smell, like wet dogs and garbage. Tim was pointing across to the field opposite their house and said “He got loose!” She looked where he was gesturing and could see the top strand of barb wire bouncing up and down, as if somebody had just pulled on it really hard and let it go. She didn’t see the “Cowman”, and noticed nothing out of the ordinary except for the smell.

They slept in that morning, and the boys were already up and watching cartoons when they got out of bed. The first thing little Jon said was that he had heard the bear rubbing against the house last night. He said he was too scared to get up and tell his parents, and fell back asleep soon after. Then Tim said “The Cowman talks funny.” This stopped Jon cold. He asked his son “When did you talk to the Cowman?” Tim replied “Last night, in my room.” Jon asked: “The Cowman was in your room?” “No Daddy, he’s too big for my room, he talked to my window.” Tim said, and turned back to the cartoons. “What did the Cowman say, Tim?” Jon asked. “He talks funny; I don’t know what he said. He talks like this…OOH AHH AHH OOH!” Tim said, and started making strange monkey like noises. “Did the Cowman try to get in your window?” Jon asked, breaking out in a cold sweat. “He’s too big for that. He made funny faces, he has Lincoln Log teeth!”

Image source.

Text source.