Sunday, May 28, 2017

Armour Boys

The fight now grew more furious than ever, and proved fatal to almost all the commanders and their forces. For on Modred's side fell Cheldric, Elasius, Egbrict, and Bunignus, Saxons; Gillapatric, Gillamor, Gistafel, and Gillarius, Irish; also the Scots and Picts, with almost all their leaders; on Arthur's side, Olbrict, king of Norway; Aschillius, king of Dacia; Cador Limenic Cassibellaun, with many thousands of others, as well Britons as foreigners, that he had brought with him. And even the renowned King Arthur himself was mortally wounded; and being carried thence to the isle of Avallon to be cured of his wounds, he gave up the crown of Britain to his kinsman Constantine, the son of Cador, duke of Cornwall, in the five hundred and forty-second year of our Lord's incarnation.


Willow Cove said...

Cool. Reminds me of that scene in Excaliber. And your Tinman.
Always wanted to have a Rip Van Winkle prop surrounded by herbs or flowers in the yard.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see something like this done I Gettysburg with union and confederate soldiers. I've been to Gettysburg battlefield a few times,and to have bodies laying throughout would give an even bigger impact.

Rot said...

That's a neat idea.
guess there'd be a sign warning for the graphic nature ahead... and as you get over a ridge you see a field with a thousand decomposing bodies and wrecked fields. I remember watching that Burn's CIVIL WAR documentary and there was a journal entry that commented on a nearby cornfield after a battle... it was completely flattened...down to the ground.

that's horrifying.

Anonymous said...

It would be a site to see that's for sure.

And it would definitely give you a different perspective. Show how brutal war was back in that time.

Willow Cove said...

And I didn't mean to downplay the graphic meaning behind this art installation. Especially on Memorial Day. More historical battle sites should do this.

Rot said...

no worries...didn't take it that way at all.

I bet tourism would take a hit though.
But it really WOULD bring it home...real see thousands of dead bodies spread over a few acres of the hills of Gettysburg.

girl6 said...

i think it's weird & disrespectful when it's considered MORBID to remember the dead & pay homage to them in life. the Victorians were really big on Memento Mori & i always hear assholes say how gross that stuff pics of dead loved ones (in coffins) or locks of their hair woven into flowers & framed. or when people say stuff like, skulls are creepy or the Days of the Dead are creepy. makes my stomach turn.

people are SO quick to always judge & point out what's wrong with something. always SO quick to point out that someone's a geek, freak or beneath them in someway. the same people who boo hoo tho, when they're called out. the same people who always have to be coddled after being rude to someone. i guess, it's the boring & unhappy lives they live.

we went to Wales a few yrs back because i wanted to be close to my pops side of the family & visit Merlin's home. i wish we coulda been lucky enough to know about this at the time. i totally woulda looked up this artist!!!.. <333

Oh..& we caught Guy Ritchie's new movie..King Arthur. Omg. SO GOOD!!! finally, i have a King Arthur movie FOR ME. Jude Law has NEVER looked better or BEEN better. even the way the movie opens IS so Ballsy & Magical. & of course, it's got the whole Guy Ritchie homeboy, street lingo.'s still period but it manages to be timeless. & when i saw the Round Table at the end, i GOT the chills & thrills SO hard. Finally. cause Excalibur wasn't the one for me, but, Goy's King Arthur is!!!