Thursday, December 8, 2022

Dark Workshop


Scarecrow Atelier said...

The green light suits him well. I always find it fascinating how props can look different in different colors. I'll keep my hands off RGB LED spotlights in the future. On video test recordings, they flickered so extremely that it looked like a disco. Now I've switched to warm white Led spotlights coated with lightbulb paint or colored foils in front of them. The beautiful orange in this year's Haunt was just this paint on the spotlights. No other RGB spotlight managed that so well. You never stop learning.

Rot said...

And yeah, LEDs are tricky and that strobe effect is brutal and so much of my video has the pulsing effect in it that I can't stand.
Totally always learning!

Willow Cove said...

He looks great floating in the green light.

Rot said...
