Monday, March 25, 2024

Sci-Phi Film Festival

A local theater had its second annual Sci-Phi Film Fest this past weekend and we made an amazing weekend out of it.  Never EVER thought I'd see CLOSE ENCOUNTERS or ROBOCOP on the big screen ever again.  The festival started out on Friday night with a 35mm print of MARS ATTACKS!, and it's funny how dated that one has become.  Though seeing it with a packed house was a blast.  KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE was the second feature.  Saturday night was bananas with ROBOCOP and SCANNERS.  Based on the crowd reaction, I think ROBOCOP was the highlight of the weekend.  It definitely was for us.  That final scene in the boardroom as justice is served to Dick Jones was incredible -the audience roared and cheered and clapped, and then again when Robocop was asked his name and replied "Murphy."  The event ended on Sunday afternoon with CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND.  Holy moly to see that larger than life was quite an experience.  Seeing it in this setting reconfirmed my often-posted-on-this-blog sentiment that this film is a science fiction horror movie.  The abduction of the little boy Barry, being seen in a dark movie theater, was really powerful (and horrifying).  And the rumble of the massive alien craft rising over Devil's Tower was breathtaking.  

When you see old classics on a big screen, it's easy to remember why going to the movies was such an amazing thing in the past (and why it really isn't these days).  You can feel how so much in these films was specifically designed to be on a massive screen in a darkened theater.  And you can sense how the studios strived to give us something original, something none of us had ever seen before.  

Below are some photos we snapped of this neat weekend.  


MR. Macabre said...

I'm jealous.

Otaku said...

Agree with your observation of how movies were produced with the theater in mind. I remember seeing the first "Star Wars" movie at the Coronet theater in San Francisco back in '77. Full surround-sound, big comfy seats, everything you could hope for.
Now and then, I'll see an ad for a movie that looks interesting, and more often than not I say, "I'll wait until it's on TV.", forgetting that movies aren't made to be seen and heard on television, no matter what system you have.
And I've regretted it every time.

Revenant Manor said...

A fantastic lineup, and it looks like an incredible experience!

It would definitely be hard to argue that the studios have done anything other than attempt to de-risk and commoditize the art of movie making to EVERYONE'S detriment.

Unique attributes all stripped away in the process, and the end-product turned into interchangeable, forgettable, and disposable blocks of blah.

Good thing there are festivals like that one to remind everyone of what is possible, and of what we should be holding out for when considering a ticket purchase.

Rot said...

Disposable is the perfect word. Even the movies folks praise these days are probably not ones they'll be watching for the next decade in their homes, like we do with all those oldies we worship.
Feeling intensely grateful for these festivals. It really has rekindled some of those old feelings. I was giddy watching CLOSE ENCOUNTERS.

Lady M said...

What a great weekend - I will have to keep an eye out for festivals of that nature.

Rot said...

It really was a great time. It was a neat way to spend a weekend. We hit up a lot of local restaurants too to make it fun.

Sara said...

Next time I will pay you to ship me a slice of that pizza. Please and thank you.

Rot said...

Too far! Too expensive! Too long! Trichinosis!

Sara said...

You’re the Worst. Lol

Evil Vines Cemetery said...

What a great festival! I would love to see Close Encounters on the big screen.

Rob K said...

That pizza looks divine. What is the name of the restaurant?

Rot said...


Rob K said...

Thanks Rot, according to Google it's only 2 hrs from me! 12 hrs if I ride a bike!