Friday, July 26, 2024

The Dean Of American Craftsmen

We traveled to Malvern, PA recently to visit the amazing Wharton Esherick Museum.  From their website:

Wharton Esherick (1887 – 1970) was an internationally significant figure in the landscape of art history and American modern design. As a sculptor, Esherick worked primarily in wood and extended his unique forms to furniture, furnishings, interiors, buildings, and more. His motto, “If it’s not fun, it’s not worth doing,” is evident in the joyful expression of his work. Now recognized as a leader of the studio furniture movement, Esherick saw himself as an artist, not a craftsman, and his concern was with form, not technique. He pursued his artistic vision in forms that might turn to furniture or other sculptural furnishings. More importantly, these were but one aspect of his art complemented by the paintings, prints, drawings, poetry, and sculpture he also created.

As a guy who creates organic stuff from old wood, I was in a blissful trance for the entire tour through this home.  As Jenna put it, "It's like stepping into a contemporary witch's cottage."  And that's totally the vibe you feel when you arrive and see the crooked architecture outside, and then again when moving slowly through each gorgeous room of Esherick's home.  A highly recommended destination for sure.

Below are some photos she took.


Otaku said...

What a remarkable cottage. More ideas for the house I'll get around to building one day.

Lady M said...

Cool place- you can see the love of all things handmade.