Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Annual Pumpkin Carving Party

Our cool neighbors invited us to something they've been attending for over fifteen years - The Annual Pumpkin Carving Party.  It was located about an hour from here in a beautiful part of this state, with rolling hills and massive streams.  The house was located in a wooded area next to a large pond with a rowboat.  There were rows of tables with all the supplies you needed to carve your pumpkins.  And there was food and drink... loads of snacks, cider, beer, and soda.  

The family takes Halloween very seriously.  And they've been hosting this party since 1982.  Old School decor hangs everywhere outside and inside their beautiful home.  You carve your pumpkins and then place them in a long row at the back of the property.  Then they're judged as everyone stands laughing and applauding.  Every orange beauty receives an award, in a made-up-on-the-spot category.  "Best Fanged Pumpkin!"  "Most Lumpy Skinned Pumpkin!"  "Best Pumpkin With A Tongue!"  And everyone receives a tiny prize wrapped in Halloween tissue paper.  We cheered with each announcement.  For each winner.

After the prizes were given out, dinner was served.  Wonderful piles of the most amazing food.  Ichabod Crane would have fainted.  Plates of meats and pastas and vegetables and salads of every variety.  It was matched only by the dessert spread... which included a number of delicious homemade pumpkin pies.

At the end of the evening, each guest removes their glowing lantern from Winner's Row and takes it home with them.  We got home and placed ours on the porch with fresh candles inside, so they'd last through the night.

These four were ours


Lady M said...

What an event - looks like lots of fun! I love the location and the idea.