Thursday, November 3, 2011

Swamp Foetus: The Gallery

The Swamp Foetus photos are up.
Currently working on the Yard Haunt page, so that should be a few days.

Click below for the index page with a shiny new 2011 button:


Goneferalinidaho said...

I like the guys with the creepy heads. I'll be spending some time perusing these. said...

that's an epic spread of pics. jesus. those umbilical cords freak me out.
amazing work!

wicKED said...

The pictures are almost as good as the film. I am in awe of what you accomplished. Makes my yard haunt video look like a grade school Halloween party. I can't wait to see your next project!

Pam Morris said...

Well,I've already said it but I'll say it again -- absolutely fantastic work. It is such fun and such a joy to view your creations. Your imagination and artistic abilities know no bounds. Wow.

Rot said...

Thanks so much, guys.

Grim said...

Awesome work, man... and great photography, too!

Mr. Macabre said...

You have so outdone yourself.

Joel said...

This turned out so well, Rot. You guys clearly put a ton of work and care into this project, and the wait for the big reveal was worth every second. Really makes me excited for other directions you might take your craft and your narratives, with the introduction of puppetry, many awesome possibilities.

Regarding the witch, is she planting more of her kind? If I followed it correctly, the foetuses grow into the larger, long-nosed ones. Are those incubating witches?

Brad said...

I am so far beyond impressed that I really don't even know what to say other than "Simply stunning!".

NecroBones said...

Looking at them now. Awesome, as always!

Marrow said...

Absolutely incredible stuff, Rot. Once again, I am completely blown away by your talent, creativity and originality.

Such amazing photographs.
When I first watched Swamp Foetus and saw the shot of the witch in front of the mausoleum, two thoughts came into my head:
oh my god she is going into a mausoleum, and this shot is sure to end up in the photo gallery. The witch dwarfed by this huge, crumbling crypt is such a bold and striking image. And I couldn't be happier to see it turn up in the gallery.

So cool to get a really good look at the props here - I am absolutely amazed and fascinated by the swamp creatures. Their noses and chins, pumpkin-orange elongated heads, and all their grotesque mutations.

This one I find especially fascinating:

Plus the deformed one in the background of that pic, with what looks like a real bone arm.
I also love the shot of the foetus inside the corpse’s ribcage.

Thanks so much, I’ll be trawling through these stunning photos for YEARS to come.

Rot said...

Thanks so much, everybody.

Nah, not planting more witches.
Just creatures.

Rot said...

There are two in the background that are only halves...
They didn't make it, so She left them on their vines to rot.

Anonymous said...

What else is there more to say, I mean holy crap! These are just wonderful, and I am really liking the addition of the eyes, it works so well.
Your talent goes further each year....

NoahFentz said...

With each year passing you sir give new life to Halloween.

Swamp Foetus has so many meanings on so many levels....mind blowing!!

Amazing pics ( I feel like I'm looking thru a family album from a proud father) Congratulations!!

Arcane said...

Really beautiful photos. The swamp creatures are so impressive. Uber creepy and stunning work as usual.

Johnny said...

The movie.

Man, I don't have the vocabulary to describe how much I love this movie.

Rot said...

Thanks so much, guys : )

BeWitchy said...


MorbidMariah said...

I had to tell you Rot, that my husband is a casual Halloween enjoy-er (not the outright enthusiast that most of us here are) but he watched the Swamp Foetus movie and he said, "That's the best Halloween thing I've ever seen". His exact words. :) I couldn't agree more.