Thursday, November 3, 2011

Swamp Foetus On Dread Central

As someone who checks out about ten times each day (for years), I figured I'd shoot them a link of our short film. Just figuring someone there would pass it around among the staff whom I've grown to respect and enjoy through reading their features. I never expected to get a featured spot on their site.

This is beyond cool.

Click below to read the article (though the site seems to be down at the moment):


wicKED said...

That is so cool! Congrats Rot! You deserve recognition for your talent.

The October boy said...

Way to go Rot! It will be the big time for you soon!

NecroBones said...

Sweet! Nice little write-up, and 15 minutes of fame too. :)

Rot said...

The site is still down.


Terrible timing.

Marianne said...

Congratulations, Rot! I'm telling ya....I think this could turn into something really big.
It's awesome!!!

Marrow said...

Pretty awesome, Rot.
