Friday, October 21, 2022

Now Playing: Children's Day At The Morgue

Strange this one isn't heard more often during the season.  It's like the Grinch song, but for Halloween.

Maybe it's considered low brow?

Click below...


Lady M said...

Well that's a new one along with that lithograph. The Victorians were endlessly fascinated by death weren't they?

Revenant Manor said...

Good thing I'm verifiably lowbrow, I suppose!

Interesting that 19th century Paris basically looked at the unknown / unclaimed bodies on display at morgue as tantamount to an attraction (and generating actual crowds).

Meanwhile, I imagine that jaunty song would probably be considered too dark to be played on common airwaves by modern U.S. sensibilities (and generating actual angry letters).

girl6 said...

Never heard this before! LOVE it. It sure beats take your child to work day. Unless one of your parents actually does work at the morgue. haha!

Willow Cove said...

Definitely, a catchy tune!