Thursday, December 28, 2023

80's Krueger

Trying to ham it up like Robert Englund for the flash camera in my face.

The important thing is that I FELT like Freddy that night, despite my sweater being red and blue and not red and green.  I would open each kid's trick-or-treat bag with the blade of my index finger, so that was [hopefully] pretty scary for them.


Lady M said...

At what age did you start handing out candy and stop trick or treating??

Rot said...

I’m not quite sure, but I think it was a few years before this photo. Probably age 12 or so.

Mike C(JASONV123) said...

Very cool photo! I've seen it before I believe, I was Freddy a few times in my younger days aswell!

Rot said...

This one was an oldie that my dad had sitting out when we visited for Christmas. Similar to another I posted. It’s way more cringe. Haha