Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Witch Of The Woods

And click here for a short video.


MR. Macabre said...

You must do a lot of scouting to find all of these awesome locations for your photos, they're all great . She's the best static Witch prop I've seen, you always do an excellent job.
Does she have a name?

Rot said...

Thanks, Mr M!
Definitely no name for her, so I typically call her The Witch.

Tworivers said...

Ya know what i just realized.....after seeing for her since Foetus, she has no arms. However the puppet does...carry a pumpkin. Right?

Rot said...

Yup! The puppet needed hands, so I made a post that stuck into the ground in front of her and under her cloak that had a small shelf on it with two hands on each side. Total slight of hand, but it worked perfectly. So she could hold the pumpkin or the foetus/baby without needing real arms attached to her. Wasn't easy though and kept causing me technical issues when trying to arrange the shot.

Tworivers said...

Very clever indeed. I know technical issues all to well. Just 2 days ago, I broke the joint that connects the shoulders and the spine on the new witch I'm building while making an adjustment. Sigh....
All good tho...I had a spare! Wink!