Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hot Chocolate And Gingerbread

Nibble, nibble, little mouse,
Who is nibbling at my house?

Sure, it's a Halloween blog, but Christmas has historically been known as a time for some side-creepy...

We visited Peddler's Village last night and enjoyed the lights as we sipped some incredible hot chocolate (with peppermint vodka) from the Hewn Distillery.  Highly recommend their cocktails if you're ever up there.

They have an annual Gingerbread House contest too, so I tried to take some creepier shots (but kinda failed miserably).  


Haunted Eve said...

During Mr. Haunted Eve's childhood there were several trips to Lahaska/Peddler's Village and I do recall being there one time around the holidays, but this would have been during the late 70s/early 80s. Back then I recall there being an old fashioned style candy shop that had the glass jars full of various flavored candy stripe sticks and I want to say that outside that shop there was an animated Oscar the Grouch "style" critter in a garbage can, but it was so long ago that those types of memories get fuzzy! Maybe there was also a toy shop and that had the animatronic prop outside. I looked up some info online and the shop couldn't have been Skip's Candy Corner because that opened in 1993 and I was already an adult living in Rochester, NY by then, but there most definitely was a candy shop predecessor to Skips's there during my youth.

Rot said...

That's interesting, as I have been going there for DECADES as well. And that stuff sounds so familiar to me as well... but fuzzy too!
It was MOBBED last night. We weren't expecting that on a Tuesday.