Monday, February 1, 2010


The startling footage we’re about to show you was photographed by a forty-two year old, Romero Valadares. The video was taken yesterday afternoon at his son’s seventh birthday, in the city of Passo Fundo, Brazil. It was sent to the local news bureau there and sent to us via satellite just a few minutes ago. All initial opinions are; this is genuine.
What you're about to see, may disturb you.

click below

This was one of those movie moments I'll never forget. The entire theater screamed, me included, when that alien popped out of the bushes. I was truly disturbed, like the news lady warned. The hand-held video footage, the incredible music, the great performance by Phoenix - movie magic.


Pumpkin said...

I saw this movie years ago and that scene still freaks me out. It's such a simple scene too. I can't even articulate why it's so freaky! It just is!!

Pam Morris said...

its so cool because it is just so takes a bit to process the fact that you just saw an alien in the garden...freaky and glorious!

JHMDF said...

It has the same vibe for me that the classic Sasquatch video has...very creepy.

~Scout~ said...

Personally, my own favorite part is when they put on the aluminum foil helmets!

Unknown said...

Reading the text gave me the chills..great scence.

Sara said...

Can I just say that I also think this movie moment is just brilliant?

Joaquin Phoenix was just...beyond amazing in this role, imho. Now he is beyond strange which just really, really bums me out. I digress....