Friday, September 26, 2014

Tree Ghost Cemetery


Anonymous said...

Awesome. I wish we lived in the same neighborhood.

K.O. said...

Looks SO awesome! Fun and old-school creepy!! Glad to hear y'all had fun this morning! =]

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

So cool! Very Old School! A possible teaser for this year's haunt?

Rot said...

no teaser that I am aware of. : )

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...


Sara said...

So are you leaving them up? I love pic#1!

Rot said...

..unlike LAST year how I took all the tree ghosts down like a fool.
tomorrow we'll put up some cornstalks and orange lights.

I was pondering "old school" today.
I wonder if other people look at old school throw-backs like that tree ghost and think "junk school"...

Ragged Grin said...

Good stuff Rot, can't wait for this year. If you see some loon in a new Alien Green Kia Soul snapping photos please don't shoot HIM. :)

Ragged Grin said...

...also, in regards to "junk school/old school"...

My 80 some year old Mom was telling me the other day about finding her old jointed cardboard skeleton in her attic, something I'd long assumed thrown out. His placement on our front door was the official signal that the best night of the year was fast approaching and I always believed I'd get around to having my own someday. I think there is a ton to be said for those old 60's and 70's era decorations in the age of Spirit stores and animatronics. I know hearing about that skeleton made me happier than anything else this year. Simpler times, simpler decorations, same magic...maybe better.

Sara said...

Hah. And I totally asked because of how you took them down last year. I'm happy to hear Pumpkinrot approves Halloween decor before Oct 1st! :D

You know, that's an interesting question you pose about old-school.

I'm afraid so? I mean I guess you'd have to ask non-Halloween lovers to get a "real" answer and PFFT, who wants to talk to any of those people?

Joel said...

Suppose everyone has different tastes, but I like to think a big part of a person's love for Halloween usually stems from their childhood, which usually means at least a soft spot for simpler or even homemade decorations and costumes. For me, that kind of stuff is the best part of the holiday, because it's an occasion where you see all kinds of creativity and weird interpretations of things, often from people you might not expect it from. It's even better when you can tell people used what they already had on hand, as much as they could. It harkens back to the origins of building things like scarecrows and other effigies.

By the way, is that ghost an original? It's awesome - love the lack of shoulders, arms, etc.

girl6 said...

this post is filled with SO MUCH perfect, gives me that Happy-tingly feeling..
LOVE it!!

&&& it's ONLY saturday morning..yayyyyyy..
have Fun out there!!.. :)

Rot said...

i GUESS it's a rot original, though it looks a lot like i channeled some eric pigors : )

there's a one gallon elmers glue container under there...and that's a $10 skull mask from target.

Rot said...

having fun this saturday morning.
we just put up cornstalks on the porch. sweet lord, the price.
$8.99 a clump at acme.
sadly those are the best around...they give you a nice clump...and they're sturdy.

we always take a hit on those.

Anonymous said...

I adore old-school, Rot. As a child who was banned from everything Halloween, I relish each and every moment of the season. We began decorating today. Booya. It's still too damn hot here in Ga, though...

Willow Cove said...

Great ghost, Rot!
Old School Fun, for sure.

Gatekeeper said...

Miss the enjoyment of Halloween as a child.

girl6 said...

man, i Can't even imagine how much your haunt sets you back money wise, can't put a price tag tho on the Happiness it brings your visitors.. :)

Autumnleaf said...

Ok...that's it. Work projects be damned, I'm going out now to start pulling out Halloween decorations.

Autumnleaf said...

Oh, and I can't believe you have to 'buy' cornstalks in Bucks County. I mean, I saw Signs and well, couldn't one just help themselves?